The Student Support Podcast


David Clarke & Ella Mosby Season 1 Episode 8

World suicide prevention day was established in 2003 and is observed on September 10th each year with a view to raising awareness around what remains one of the most challenging global phenomena we face. 

Suicide occurs throughout the lifespan and is the second leading cause of death among 15-29 year olds globally. The latest World Health Organisation statistics suggest that one person dies by suicide every 40 seconds, and for every 1 adult who completes suicide there may be up to 20 others who have attempted.

There are a wealth of myths surrounding suicide including:

·       Talking about suicide might give someone the idea to do it.

·       If someone is serious about taking their own life there is nothing you can do

·       Only people who are mentally ill think about suicide

·       People who say they want to kill themselves are merely seeking attention and should not be taken seriously.

Whilst the statistics and reporting around suicide can feel scary and overwhelming, there is a strong body of evidence that suggests that coherent prevention strategies can reduce suicide rates. As someone who has encountered suicide within both my professional and personal life, I have observed and felt the devastating impact it has on those left behind. The last 10 years have seen a significant shift in people’s attitudes and the narrative and discourse around mental health, but there is still a long way to go and we all have a role to play in how we look after ourselves and one another.

Here at the University of Chester we work in partnership with our students to empower them to achieve their hopes and aspirations both during their studies and beyond. We want to foster continuous conversations about wellbeing and promote thinking which is more conscious and critical amongst our student body. 

Student experience is at the heart of everything we do, and our Student Futures Support and Development department is home to staff with a wealth of expertise and experience who work tirelessly to meet the individual needs of each of our students. If you need any support around your emotional wellbeing or any other element of student life you can email or to arrange an appointment with a member of our team. 

Suicide awareness and prevention has to remain a priority on a global, national and local level and there are some brilliant sources of support for those affected by suicide including a list of resources below: or 116123 or 0800 585858 or text SHOUT 85258 

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