Celebrating World Bee Day - Episode 68
grow, cook, eat, arrange with Sarah Raven & friends
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grow, cook, eat, arrange with Sarah Raven & friends
Celebrating World Bee Day - Episode 68
May 19, 2022 Episode 68
Sarah Raven, Arthur Parkinson

Today marks the all-important World Bee Day, a chance to acknowledge their role in so much of our essential daily lives, and time to consider how we can help them thrive.

We’re celebrating World Bee Day this year on ‘grow, cook, eat, arrange’ by bringing some top tips on creating a natural haven for these fuzzy friends, which flowers are best for visual flair and feeding bees, plus some fantastic actions we can take before we even consider our own gardens.

In this episode, discover:

  • Our extraordinary reliance on the wonderful bee population for everyday essentials
  • How we can tend more considerately to our own garden, and encourage the same from councils
  • The top plants for providing bees their necessary nutrients
  • Why we should do away with the leaf blower and provide more mess to protect bees

Order Sarah’s book: https://bit.ly/2TWHJcz
Order Arthur’s book: https://bit.ly/3xOov7H

View all products mentioned and find further advice from Sarah: https://bit.ly/3f2DFiH

Get in touch: info@sarahraven.com
Shop on the Sarah Raven Website: http://bit.ly/3jvbaeu
Follow Sarah: https://www.instagram.com/sarahravensgarden/