Empowered Muse Podcast

180. A Book Vs A Coach- How New Perspective Changed It All

Season 2 Episode 180

This spontaneous recording came out as a result of an inspiring private conversation I had with one of my 1:1- Francesca!
We were celebrating how far she has come, from a life of internal struggles into now effortlessly manifesting what she desires in life!
Francesca was just one of Last Round D2D Participants, the success that she got right now was also not easy at the beginning!

Tune in & listen on the: 
1) The Benefits of Facing Fear/ Deep Emotions with Accountability
2) The Distinguish role of a Coach vs A Book- how Theoretical knowledge are far different to Practical Implementation
3) The benefit of IN THE MOMENT SHIFT- how little twist at the moment you face issue in application can determine your journey speed!
Dare 2 Dream is about to Open Door Again! This round we are calling in Ambitious Women 
who know she is meant for MORE & value Life enriching memories.
Growth & Changes come with lots of uncomfortable, you surely need a Safe space & Strong guidance to walk you through this process!

Dare to dream program: https://bit.ly/dare2dream22

Thank you for your time and for listening to my podcast!

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