The Art of Holiness

Chris Backert

Seedbed Season 1 Episode 8

Chris Backert has a passion for creating and supporting new ways of doing Christian community. You know him by his influence over several significant movements. He serves as the national director of Fresh Expressions US, as Director & Organizational Architect for a church planting network called Ecclesia, as a church planter himself in both Virginia and Maryland, and with the Baptist General Association of Virginia the area of church planting. But his greatest influence is in what isn’t on the paper but is in his heart. Chris loves the Body of Christ and loves the work of faith -- things like prophetic ministry and prayer. He brings a deep knowledge of church history -- especially the four waves of charismatic faith -- to every aspect of his work. You’re gonna love this conversation. It is rich and will remind us that we swim in some strong currents and deep waters.