Strong Men Strong Marriages

Justin And Nikki - Client Success Story

Mike Frazier, MD Episode 118

Justin felt like he needed to change or he was going to lose all connection with his wife and end up as roommates.

Nikki felt like she “didn’t need Justin” and “couldn’t count on him to do anything.”

Their relationship felt co-dependent and strained, and their physical connection was not where either one wanted it to be.

Justin decided to join the program (without telling Nikki at first).

Nikki was surprised by how fast and how extensive Justin’s changes were.

Justin feels more confident, honest, and closer to God than ever.

Nikki feels she can trust Justin and feels more loved, admired and valued by Justin than she ever has before.

Their physical connection is “exponentially better” according to Nikki.

Tune in to hear their story today. I recommend watching the video to see how loving their interaction is.

Watch on YouTube here.

Dr. Mike

P.S. If you want yours to be the next success story… 

CLICK HERE to apply to join my Love, Intimacy And Legacy program.

You’ll schedule a call and fill out an application that we’ll review on the call to see if you’re a good fit for the program. 

I look forward to speaking with you!