Strong Men Strong Marriages

How to Boost Your Self-Esteem

Mike Frazier, MD Episode 261

Last week we talked about increasing your self-worth.

Your self-worth is your inherent value, which doesn’t ever change and is great and infinite as a son of God.

Your self-esteem is your relationship with yourself.

In other words, your thoughts and feelings about yourself.

Most high achieving guys have the mindset of “I can do better.”

This is a mask for “I’m not doing or being enough.”

This leads to a feeling of inadequacy…

Which they sometimes project onto their wife and others (whatever I do it’s not good enough for you!)...

And a desire to keep getting to the “next level.”

Learn how to have a great, loving relationship with yourself…

Feeling like you are valuable, loved, competent and enough…

WITHOUT losing the desire to improve…

In today’s episode.

Listen on the Strong Men Strong Marriages Podcast. 

Watch on YouTube here. 

Dr. Mike

P.S. I’d love to connect with you! If you have a question or just want to reach out, find me on LinkedIn.

P.P.S. If you’re a high achieving, professionally successful Christian man who is ready to create incredible sexual, mental and emotional  intimacy with you wife, and create an amazing legacy for your family to follow… starting TODAY…

CLICK HERE to apply to join my Strong Men Strong Marriages program.

P.S. Want to join our Strong Men Strong Marriages group program to create a strong, passionate marriage and great relationships with God, yourself, your wife, your kids and others for the rest of your life? Join our email list here.

P.P.S. Want to work more intensively with me, Dr. Mike? Apply here.