Strong Men Strong Marriages
Helping high achieving Christian men have more intimate marriages. Start with episodes 1-4 for an introduction. Traditional marriage counseling, couples therapy, couples counseling and even Christian marriage counseling will tell you that a good marriage is based on compromise. Validating feelings. Sacrifice. I tried that for years. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work. That’s why most couples who go through marriage counseling are the same or worse off after. BUT, in my studies in neuroscience at BYU, MD training at UCLA, psychiatry residency, marriage coach training, and most importantly in my own marriage, I finally found what DOES work. Building strength. Spiritual, mental, emotional and sexual strength, while anchored in following Christian marriage principles. Strength is attractive. And, it feels great. It builds trust. Add to this the skills of communication and intimacy, and you get a marriage full of phenomenal mental, emotional and physical intimacy. And, you set the example for generations to follow. I applied this to my own marriage, I felt better than ever and had more connection and passion than I thought possible. I started teaching this to other men and couples and they were able to create mental, emotional and sexual intimacy faster than they thought possible. This even works for affair recovery and emotional affairs. Now it’s your turn. Become a strong, attractive man. Create a strong, passionate marriage.
Strong Men Strong Marriages
How To Feel More Secure In Your Marriage… And With Yourself
This is, I believe, one of my most important episodes so far.
We all have the desire to feel seen, safe and soothed in our emotions.
Unfortunately, many of us did not get that… or did not get it consistently… from our parents or caregivers.
I used to ignore this idea a lot, thinking our upbringing didn’t really matter.
But, as I’ve done some of this work on my own, I’ve seen that our childhood has a MASSIVE impact on how we relate to our wife and our children.
Learn YOUR attachment style (secure, avoidant, ambivalent or disorganized)...
And how to create SECURE attachments with yourself and others…
In today’s episode.
Watch on YouTube here.
Dr. Mike
P.S. If you’re a high achieving, professionally successful Christian man who is ready to create incredible sexual, mental and emotional intimacy with your wife, and create an amazing legacy for your family to follow… starting TODAY…
CLICK HERE to apply to join my Strong Men Strong Marriages program.
You’ll fill out an application, then we'll get back to you with your best next steps. We’d love to guide you to becoming the man your wife passionately desires, respects and loves… while living true to Christian principles.
P.S. Join our email list and get the training, How To Be More Attractive To Your Wife In The Next 7 Days, at
P.P.S. Want to work intensively with me, Dr. Mike, and are willing and able to invest in the 5 figures to create a great marriage and legacy? Apply here.