The Ireland Canada Connection

Kevin Vickers on his love of Ireland, political ambition, and recovering from the 2014 terrorist attack

June 03, 2020 The Ireland Canada Business Association

Former Canadian Ambassador to Ireland, Kevin Vickers, is our special guest on this episode of The Ireland Canada Connection. Always a great friend to the ICBA and supporter of the Association’s work, Kevin left his post in Ireland in 2019 to become leader of the Liberal Party of New Brunswick in Canada. 

In this interview Kevin talks about his time as Canadian Ambassador to Ireland, why he believes connectivity and relationship building are key to economic success, the great opportunities in cyber security and the green economy, and his decision to enter the political arena in New Brunswick.

We also explored more personal topics, such as his Irish roots, his time in the Canadian Mounties, and his road to recovery after he stopped a terrorist attack at the Canadian parliament building in 2014.