The Leader's Toolbox

A Leader's 5 Steps Out of Unwise Relationships!

Andre Young

Relationships, professionally and personally, are ever EVOLVING! What started out great can end up toxic... and what started out bad can end up great. It’s the unpredictable rollercoaster of life and relationships are at the center. On our deathbeds… we will not judge our lives based on how much money we made, promotions we achieved, how many fancy letters we have behind our name, or titles; it will all come down to relationships… those that have impacted us and those we've impacted! The hard part about relationships is they are all about timing and therefore subject to change. Sometimes you evolve at a slower or quicker pace than your friend/s, significant other, co-workers etc. So, what to do to navigate this journey; enhancing your Leadership & Work/Life Harmony in the process?

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