Paddock Chat

Why Are Authentic Stories from Real People in Agriculture Important?

The West Midlands Group Episode 48

Amelia Nolan, Program Manager at The Livestock Collective (TLC) joins the podcast to talk with us about the importance of developing widespread knowledge of the ins and outs of the Australian livestock and broader agricultural industries.  

WMG Beef Industry Development Officer Erin O’Brien chats with Amelia about her story, role at TLC and her wealth of knowledge concerning social license and the importance of the community getting access to information that is real and authentic, from all along the agriculture supply chains, from the people actually involved in the industry. 

This edition of Paddock Chat is a companion episode to our Seasonal Updates Festival and Amelia’s dynamic and informative presentation can still be viewed right here (Beginning at 29:50). 

Resources: - MLA: Australian Good Meat - The Livestock Collective - Red Meat Green Facts - AWI: Learn About Wool - Livecorp: For industry who want to see consumer feedback 

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