Paddock Chat

Protect your flock from Ovine Brucellosis before joining

The West Midlands Group

Have your lambing percentages been impacted without any obvious cause?
Did you get new rams this year? 
Have the neighbour's ewes or rams found their way into your flock? 

If you answered yes to any of those questions, your operation may have been exposed to Ovine Brucellosis. Ovine brucellosis is a highly detrimental reproductive disease that can affect all breeds of sheep. West Midlands Group’s mixed farming systems officer, Brianna Hindle and I caught up with DPIRD vet Dr Kristine Rayner to get her expertise on how to manage and reduce the risk of ovine brucellosis. And later in the episode, I caught up with Dandaragan producer, Peter Negus to hear about his experience managing an infected mob.

You can follow Pete Negus on Twitter @Peternegus11.
Get in touch with Dr Kristine Rayner via

Useful Resources
Everything you need to know about Ovine Brucellosis
How to check ram's testicles in 3 minutes (Youtube)
Ovine Brucellosis Accreditation Scheme Guidelines
List of Ovine Brucellosis accredited flocks
Brucellosis in animals
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