Paddock Chat

Rehabilitating a zero production paddock into quality grazing pastures

February 01, 2021 The West Midlands Group

In 2020, Coorow farmer and WMG member Charles Wass hosted a collaborative WMG and Liebe Group trial site to explore options to increase production on what was previously an unviable paddock. 

The paddock was ameliorated with a Plozza Plow in June 2019 and seeded to 8 plots of varying pasture varieties in May 2020.

On today’s episode, you’ll hear a conversation between myself, Charles and WMG mixed farming systems officer Brianna Hindle who ran the trial alongside the Liebe Group, where we unpack the trial's performance, including specific pasture varieties, and the impacts of ameliorating the site after the break of the season.

Get in touch
Brianna Hindle's contact information can be found here.

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