Paddock Chat

Making your farm 'Smart' - Connecting your farm to the digital world

February 01, 2022 The West Midlands Group

In this episode of Paddock Chat, we look to demystify the first steps that farmers need to take in creating a ‘smart’ or ‘connected' farm, where the Internet of Things (IoT) can make farm management that much easier!

Nathan Craig (WMG Executive Officer) sat down with both Nathan Dovey, CEO and Phil Honey, Smart Farm Coordinator of Stirlings to Coast. Nathan has been involved with Stirlings to Coast for more than 6 years, and Phil's role is to assist farmers to adopt digital technologies and de-risk some of the adoption challenges around this.

We discuss their collective experience in setting up two farms in the Great Southern region of WA with fence to fence 4G phone service, as well as talking about some of the tools that they have installed, including  a large network of over 25 weather stations and some of the key management benefits that they have seen so far.

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