Lifestyle Is On Air

Physical Activity and Lifestyle Medicine

June 12, 2020 Ioan Hanes Season 1 Episode 2
Physical Activity and Lifestyle Medicine
Lifestyle Is On Air
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Lifestyle Is On Air
Physical Activity and Lifestyle Medicine
Jun 12, 2020 Season 1 Episode 2
Ioan Hanes

The Podcast Initiative is a joint action of the European Lifestyle Medicine Organization (ELMO) and the Belgian Lifestyle Medicine Organization (BELMO) to familiarize you with the activities of these two organizations and the principles of the lifestyle medicine.

In the second chapter of our series of podcasts, Ioan Hanes, MD (Belgium) and Ines Correia, MD (Portugal) will talk about:

 -       doctor Alexandre Feltz’s book- Sport santé sur ordonnance. Manifeste pour le mouvement, he is a pioneer in France in using physical activity as a therapeutic complement in the management of chronic diseases (storks audio effect made by Dobroide)

-       the latest relevant scientific articles in lifestyle medicine and physical activity

-       why and how physical activity should be part of our life, how sportsmen lived their sport life during the pandemic and the high intermittent intensive training concept are the main topics in the interview with prof. Bengt Kayser, MD, PHD, the ELMO expert in Physical Activity. His contact address is: .

-       the apps related to physical activity which make a difference on the market

-       the interview with Mohamad Awada, an IT Global Manager from Eindhoven, Nederland, a graduate of the European Lifestyle Medicine Certificate; his way and ideas to keep practicing physical activity during the pandemic but also if you are working from home; he is active on Instagram and you can get ideas from his passion as a fitness instructor:

Those interested in the European Lifestyle Medicine Certificate can find more information on the website:

 We are curious about your opinion and comments on our podcast. Please send them to

Show Notes

The Podcast Initiative is a joint action of the European Lifestyle Medicine Organization (ELMO) and the Belgian Lifestyle Medicine Organization (BELMO) to familiarize you with the activities of these two organizations and the principles of the lifestyle medicine.

In the second chapter of our series of podcasts, Ioan Hanes, MD (Belgium) and Ines Correia, MD (Portugal) will talk about:

 -       doctor Alexandre Feltz’s book- Sport santé sur ordonnance. Manifeste pour le mouvement, he is a pioneer in France in using physical activity as a therapeutic complement in the management of chronic diseases (storks audio effect made by Dobroide)

-       the latest relevant scientific articles in lifestyle medicine and physical activity

-       why and how physical activity should be part of our life, how sportsmen lived their sport life during the pandemic and the high intermittent intensive training concept are the main topics in the interview with prof. Bengt Kayser, MD, PHD, the ELMO expert in Physical Activity. His contact address is: .

-       the apps related to physical activity which make a difference on the market

-       the interview with Mohamad Awada, an IT Global Manager from Eindhoven, Nederland, a graduate of the European Lifestyle Medicine Certificate; his way and ideas to keep practicing physical activity during the pandemic but also if you are working from home; he is active on Instagram and you can get ideas from his passion as a fitness instructor:

Those interested in the European Lifestyle Medicine Certificate can find more information on the website:

 We are curious about your opinion and comments on our podcast. Please send them to