The KitchenTable Community Podcast

Episode 9: Setting up your agency: getting the legal basics right – featuring John Haggis

John Season 1 Episode 9

Let's face it, we creative types tend to be a bit squeamish about professional services and about lawyers in particular. But if we're to run a successful agency then we have to engage with them and we have to meet certain legal obligations.

If the thought of that brings you out in a cold sweat, you can breathe a sigh of relief, because in this episode of Kitchen Table Community Podcast, we’re  joined by John Haggis, a lawyer who specialises in the digital and creative sectors. 

He shares his insights on: 

  • how to set up your business the right way
  • ensuring that scalability is baked in to your corporate structure and contracts,
  • how to choose insurance that’s fit for purpose
  • how to choose professional service providers who understand your industry. 

He also gives us a hint of his next business venture – a legal resource that will be invaluable for agency owners. 

If you want to keep your business compliant while also saving time and money, you won’t want to miss this episode.