Connemara Pony Tales

Meet the Vets - The Pros and Cons of AI for your mares and stallions

Lucinda Season 2 Episode 3

Get ready to learn like you never have before! The topic of AI is a beast  but something that we felt was worth discussing on the podcast.

Hosted by Carol Henley of TBS Stud (and owner of Cheeky Bobby Sparrow), we are delighted to have two of Ireland's top repro vets on the show:

Larry Dunne runs Ballyorney Veterinary Clinic in County Wicklow and specialises in all areas of equine fertility. His expertise is highly sought after not only in Ireland but across Europe. 

Kate Murray graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at agricultural Academy in Wroclaw Poland in 2003 and moved to Ireland in the same year. For the last 13 years Kate has  focused exclusively on equine reproduction, offering fresh, chilled and frozen inseminations, embryo transfer and semen freezing. The family business also involves  breeding Connemara mares as well as producing and standing stallions at stud.

Happy listening!