168 Things

How to grow a great client-agency relationship - with Angus Crowther

Paul Kitcatt and Chalice Croke Season 2 Episode 20

Winning a pitch is only the first step towards what will, you hope, become a wonderful relationship between client and agency. But have you ever analysed how to get there? How trust can grow, and be nurtured? What you all need to do to make it work? 
Angus Crowther and his team at Alchemists have. Their report for ISBA on this subject came out towards the end of last year. In this podcast, we interview Angus about it, and he gives useful advice on what both client and agency need to do to reach the goal of the best possible relationship, leading to consistently excellent work together.
We also ask him about his highly successful vineyard, producing award-winning wine from the fields of Essex. Cheers!