168 Things

How to write a creative brief

Paul Kitcatt and Chalice Croke Season 2 Episode 21

If you have to write briefs for creative people to work from - or if you're a creative person, who gets briefed - you will know what a battleground it can be. Is a brief ever good enough? How much blood, sweat and tears goes into writing them? Is it worth the effort? Yes, it is, because a good brief is the first creative act, and from it, brilliant ideas can flow. In this podcast, we share our thoughts and experience from many years of grappling with briefs, and give advice on how to ease the pain and even enjoy the whole process. We talk about what to include, what to leave out, what makes a good proposition, and how to work with your clients to get briefs written that lead to fame and fortune for all involved. Thanks to Jon Brain, a former colleague, for asking us to make this podcast.