Conceptually Speaking

Adam Hansen Talks Innovation and Metacognition

June 23, 2020 Julie Stern & Trevor Aleo

Our guest this week is friend of the podcast, Adam Hansen. Adam’s company, IdeasToGo is an Innovation Consulting firm that helps Fortune 200 companies think outside the box and come up with unique, relevant solutions to their problems. What makes Adam such a fascinating guest is his uniquely human approach to innovation. Whereas much of the eduDiscourse around innovation involves the latest apps and gadgets, Adam is much more interested in the innovative tools that make us human—metaphors, metacognition, and a deep desire to make sense of our world. To his mind, innovation is all about human potential. Although his day job has him focusing on innovative projects and products, Adam is also deeply passionate about behavioral innovation—finding ways we can leverage the skills and methods for innovation and applying them to our own lives so we can overcome barriers we face in our personal life. With that in mind, this episode contains tools, both personal and professional, that we hope will help you become better sensemakers and innovators at home, school, or the office. Enjoy!

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