Conceptually Speaking

Hannah Testa Talks Education, Collaboration, and Youth Activism

December 22, 2020 Julie Stern & Trevor Aleo

Today’s episode of Conceptually Speaking is a special one—Our first episode with an actual student! Though Hannah Testa is a student in Forsyth County, Georgia, that’s just one of many hats she wears. She is also a Founder of the non-profit Hannah4Change, an author, presenter, TEDx speaker, politico, and more besides.  She is one of a growing number of Generation Z activists whose compelling, earnest message demands attention. Her passion is raising awareness and mobilizing people and policy to protect wildlife and the environment and it’ll be immediately apparent that she has the knowledge and skills to do both. Over the course of our conversation, she’ll share her current projects and initiatives as well as offer her thoughts on the best ways for students to engage with different stakeholder groups to affect meaningful change. Environmental policy might be her main focus, but she is just as passionate about engaging fellow teens to rise up and advocate for themselves and their future.  Whether you’re a student, teacher, or parent, our conversation with Hannah will give you hope for the future. Like I said to close out the episode, this is a generation of people who know how to get stuff done. We hope you enjoy!   

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