Testing Peers

Testing in 2030

September 13, 2020 Testing Peers Season 1 Episode 10

Welcome to episode 10. We’ve made it to double figures! Thank you to everyone who has downloaded one or more of our earlier episodes and given us the encouragement to keep this going.

In this episode, the Peers talk about our thoughts on what testing may be like in 10 years time. What will the tech world look like? How will testers have evolved? Will we still be debating whether manual testing is needed? 

We also cover what we as leaders will need to do to enable our teams to progress and stay relevant as technology advances. 

Chris tells us about the ketchup competition he entered and this triggers the peers discussing their successes (or lack of) with competitions. Including Simon winning a “Pontins Prince” competition which he has added a pic to our Twitter.

No puppy update this week but Simon has now got his puppies and Russell’s is arriving in a week or so. Check out #PeersPaws on twitter for more pics. David will also be adding some pics of his beloved Digby.

 We thank you once again for taking the time to listen to our podcast and would love more of your feedback. Please reach out on Twitter @testingpeers or via email: contactus@testingpeers.com 

If you like what we are doing and want to support us as we strive to create more content, please consider becoming a Testing Peers patron at https://www.patreon.com/testingpeers

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