#Clockedin with Jordan Edwards

#162 - Shaping Life Through Belief Systems with Dr. Greg Persley

January 10, 2024 Jordan Edwards Season 4 Episode 162
#Clockedin with Jordan Edwards
#162 - Shaping Life Through Belief Systems with Dr. Greg Persley
Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Have you ever wondered how our beliefs could shape the life we lead? Tune in as we explore this profound concept with Dr. Greg Persley, an expert on belief systems. We embark on a journey through his poignant personal story, which starts with a successful chiropractic practice and takes a turn with the birth of his son who was born with dwarfism. This transformative event pushed Dr. Persley to confront and overcome his limiting beliefs, bringing a fresh understanding of how our belief systems govern our lives.

We shift gears to discuss the power of gratitude, appreciation, and the quantum field in manifesting your desires. Discover how to align your emotions with your goals to turbocharge manifestation, and learn why true happiness should bloom from within you, not from external factors. We share personal stories that highlight the impact of these principles, and how they've helped us change our mindset and our lives for the better.

Join us as we delve into the importance of self-awareness, the power of envisioning our desired future, and the essential steps towards pursuing our passions. We explore the the need to change your mindset, hold yourself accountable for your actions, and embrace every experience as an opportunity for learning and growth. It's a transformative conversation you won't want to miss, so tune in now and begin your journey towards a happier, more fulfilling life.

How to Reach Dr. Greg:
Website: https://fixyourbs.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drgregpursley/

To Reach Jordan:

Email: Jordan@Edwards.Consulting


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jordan.edwards.7503

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Speaker 1:

Hey guys, we got a special guest here today. We got Dr Greg Persley. He's the belief systems expert. So, greg, I gotta ask you, what's a belief system? Do we all have them?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so thanks for having me. I really appreciated Jordan. Yeah, a belief system is, simply put, a thought that you repeat enough times with enough emotion that it becomes your automatic habits. A really great understanding. That are easy way to understand that is if you've ever driven a car, you started learning how to drive a car and the first time you get in you really had to consciously think about it. You had to think about all the buttons and all the knobs and turn this and push that. But after you do it for a while, it becomes second nature and the belief system is what. That's what it is. It's second nature, it's not something you have to think about, and we all have beliefs about ourselves, our environment, what we're capable of, money, our health, are we good enough, are we worthy? Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-down the line. And it all comes from repetitive thoughts.

Speaker 1:

With enough emotion attached to those repetitive thoughts, yes, yeah, and I think it's so important for people to understand what a belief system is, cause you just explained it so well. Because a lot of us are walking around with poor belief systems, like your book and your tagline Fixer BS, fixer belief systems. Because a lot of us don't. We've been so conditioned by life and so beat down by life that it's just like that's the way life is. And the truth is that's not the way life is. Life can open up in any way you want it to be, and that's why today we're gonna jump in the Dr Gregg's story, where he breaks beliefs throughout the entire time, and that's why I was excited to have him on, because he shows what his current belief was, how he had a transition and his new belief, and we'll just go through that the entire time, throughout the story. But so where did your journey start?

Speaker 2:

Wow, where did my journey start? So I'll go back to when I I graduated as a chiropractor at 23 years old. I had a wife and a child a woman. I graduated and we basically moved two hours away from our family and started to practice my wife quitter job, so it was basically sink or swim. Now, my belief at the time was I'm invincible and nothing I can do. This, I can make it happen, and so that really pushed me to work towards succeeding. In two years, we took the practice that we acquired and we had over doubled it, and so we were moving in the right direction. We're living this American dream. My wife was pregnant again and we're gonna have a son. So we'd have a daughter and a son and a business and a house and the white picket fence American dream.

Speaker 2:

Well, our son was born, and he had. He was born with something called dwarfism, which is a random genetic change in the third trimester of pregnancy, and so it was totally unexpected. And so when you have something that comes into your life that's totally unexpected, out of nowhere, it really shakes your beliefs. It shakes you and where you thought you were headed, what you thought you knew, it shakes you to the core, your beliefs start to get changed, or at least it makes you aware that maybe there's another possibility, absolutely yeah.

Speaker 2:

So the day he was born, they told us, hey, this is what's going on. And we were like what does that mean and how did that happen? And all of a sudden, this future we were building was totally shaken and changed. Anyway, so then he, within the first year, he ended up spending about six months in the hospital because he had having lung issues. He was had a lot of pneumonia developing, he was having issues with breathing problems, like it just snowballed into this thing where he was spending time, more and more time, at children's hospital, which was two hours away from our hometown, and I still had a business that I had to run because that was only our only income, but my daughter's being passed around the family, like it was chaotic.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. And at that point I just want to butt in really quick the chiropractic thing, that business. Were you mostly the main chiropractor there? Meaning, were you like?

Speaker 2:

It was me and it was only me. It was me and two other employees. That was it. So when people think about it, I was the only provider.

Speaker 1:

So when people think about that, it's like Greg's wearing two hats and I just want everyone to understand this that he's a business owner, but he's also the one servicing everything he's doing and went into high intensity job like that. That's not easy Cause if you don't see clients, there's no income.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so there was definitely you talk about stress. We had financial stress. We had parental stress, we had relationship stress, chemical stress from what we were eating Cause, obviously, we weren't focused on our health. We had mental stress, emotional stress, like you name it, man. We had it. It felt like the world was on our shoulders. And so what happens when that occurs? You start internalizing. Now this is where things happen, like you start repeating the same thoughts and you're highly emotional. So the thoughts that I was repeating was creating emotions of like anxiety and fear and frustration and scarcity and all these really limiting emotions or limiting beliefs that started to develop. So when people hear that phrase limiting beliefs, it's the belief that is limiting your ability to see things past your thought process. Does that?

Speaker 2:

make sense Like it's that's what's limiting about it's limiting the vision about the possibility of what's out there.

Speaker 1:

And that's why a lot of people, when you look at people who acquired great wealth or jumps groups or did anything, you look at who they're surrounding themselves or what events they go to or who their coach is, because it does break those beliefs that a lot of us have about ourselves and it can be a very challenging one, and I find that a lot when I talk to clients. It's like I had a client who never thought he could travel and I'm like you're working remote man, you can travel wherever you want, and now he's going on a road trip, which is incredible because for him, his limiting belief was that he had to live in an apartment like everybody told him to, and just live his normal life. And I'm like you don't have to be normal, you can be different. Different is good.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, exactly so. That's. The point, though, is that he couldn't see. There's a statement you can't see the forest through the trees, right? It means that you can't see past what you're really focused on, and he's focused on the fact which is in his mind the belief, the fact, and people say that all the time. Well, the fact is, I can't because and you're like, first of all, that's not a fact, that's a belief, and secondly, because anything comes after, because is your justification of that belief? I can't do that because blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, and you're like that's not a reason, that's an excuse. Let's label these things what they really are Like.

Speaker 2:

People do this a lot with weight and they do it a lot with money and they do it a lot with their job. Well, I can't quit my job because I'm like well, time out. What if you could quit your job? What if you could just saying what if? What if you could start that business? What if you could write that book? What would that look like? I mean, let's just play. Let's have an imagination game. You know you don't have to take action on any of it. Let's just play with our imagination on this.

Speaker 2:

You know, that's where the first step that I always talk to people about is creating a vision, because in the Bible it talks about without a vision, men perish. Okay, you perish without a vision, and I really think that's what happens to people is they forget what their vision is and they get so limited in their beliefs which I call it the box. The box just keeps compressing on them and getting them closer and then they get bound up and then they just end up like talking to people from Boston yeah, it's so upset. It's like whoa, chill man. Like let's relieve the pressure. Most of the time, those walls of that box are built from yourself and your own ideas about what's possible.

Speaker 2:

Yes, so the most fun I have with clients that I work with is like what is a perfect day to you? What does that look like? What if you could live that? What would that feel like? And just watching them fight and struggle to break out of their own box that they've built, like I don't know. I don't even know how to look at that. I was like, yeah, right, because you've been practicing the other thing for so long. So this is a practice that you have to develop over time. It doesn't just happen immediately and it doesn't just stay there. You have to practice it, just like you practiced the opposite, which was limiting yourself. I can't do that because, and all those thoughts.

Speaker 1:

Yes, exactly, and that's why I completely agree with that. And I was talking to people about the abundance mindset and I was just exploring it. I'm like what would be something of abundance to you and what would be your? Like Ramit Sethil he's the one, the financial guy, and he talks about the rich life and I'm like what would your rich life be Like? Just playing around and they start to name things. It's funny because you name things that you already do, right? So, like one of the people was like I'd love to go to a sporting event. Dude, you've gone to 20 this year, obviously.

Speaker 2:

So let's dive into that. Hold on, but dive into that for a second. I want to go to a sporting event. Okay, which one? Why do you want to go? What's great about it? Like you really define, okay. Well, what's limiting you from going now? Is there a limit?

Speaker 1:

Well, that was the real thing and that was the other thing. That it was that these people, whatever their abundant thing was, they were still doing the activities, but they were still in that scarcity mindset, even though they're doing the activity. I'm like this is what you wanted to do. You should be excited about it. You know what that's called. You know what that's?

Speaker 2:

called though you know, what that's called Okay.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

That is called gratitude, it's called appreciation when you're doing the thing that you say you want to do.

Speaker 1:

You've got to be grateful for that thing.

Speaker 2:

And if you're not, then really you're not in the present moment. Because if you're always in the future, well, I want to go to games or I want to go to this event. Okay, if you're at an event or you've already done those things and you're in the event thinking about the next one, well, I really want to go to that other one, okay, well, you're thinking in terms of the future. You're putting your happiness out there somewhere Instead of putting your happiness now. That's called being grateful and appreciative of the moment, of the present moment, because I can build whatever life I want to build if I believe that it's possible for me to do that, and I'm moving toward it. But I do want to make a clarification, because people think in terms.

Speaker 2:

They say abundance, like you mentioned, abundance, abundance. If you look at the definition of abundance, abundance is nothing more than a very large quantity of something. Okay, I want you to understand. Abundance doesn't mean a lot of good things, it just means a lot of things. It means a lot of something. So you can have an abundance of negativity, you can have an abundance of poverty, you can have an abundance of limitation, an abundance of lack. Does that make sense. Yeah, so when you define abundance, when people say, talk about abundance, I'm like define that for me. What do you mean? Well, I want more money, I want a lot of health, a lot of happiness, a lot of a better job, a better car. That's what they really are thinking in terms of abundance. You're like okay, so that's not abundance. Abundance is a lot of something. Let's talk in terms of what's the perfect life, of the emotion that you want to experience, because that's what you need to experience first in get the emotion down. And once you get the emotion down, the life starts to develop.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and I think this is really important just for the audience who's listening, is that Dr Gregg's talking about the words we use and the detail we need to go into because a lot of times that's missed. I just said it very loosely because I didn't even think about it, but you're bringing up a lot of good points where it's like it's okay to understand, but we also have to be very careful of what we're saying because you might just get what you like. Some people are like I really like surprises and it's like you like the good surprises, you don't like the bad ones. We call those problems. Tony Robbins said that, and it's just a very fascinating thing because it's true, we speak very freely, but how do we find out what's really best for us and how do we create that happier life? You know what I mean. How do we create that fulfillment we're looking for?

Speaker 2:

Well, you create it now is the answer to that. You create it now. You become habitually grateful. You become habitually appreciative. It's a habit to be happy, it's a habit to be grateful, it's a habit to be appreciative.

Speaker 2:

If you can't find happiness, gratefulness and appreciation now, in your life, right now, with no matter what's going on, you will not find it by acquiring other things or climbing the corporate ladder, or getting married or having a baby or whatever. You won't find it there. You have to find it in you now, and that's what people forget. They don't know that. They're searching for it, and I did that for years. I get it, you're searching for it. You're like when I get a better house, I'll be happy. When I make more money, when this occurs, I'll be happy. And what you're doing is putting your happiness in the external instead of putting your happiness in the internal. If this occurs, I'll be happy. Well, you can't control most things outside of your body, so why would you take that risk? Why wouldn't you say you know what I'm happy and content with myself now, in where I'm at and what I'm doing and the things that I'm accomplishing, and because of that, I'm proud of me and I'm happy with me and I'm appreciative of me and I'm moving toward this vision. But that vision doesn't have to happen in order for me to be happy, because I'm just happy now. And here's the funny part when you can get to that state of appreciation, gratitude, happiness and you're aligned with yourself, the things that you want happen quicker and easier.

Speaker 2:

The random acts, random things occur that people call luck. It's not luck, it's the fact that you have emotionally become in alignment with the possibility of that future and all of a sudden it starts to happen really quickly. Dr Joda Spenza is great at describing these things, but he talks about living in the quantum field, not in the physical world. You live in the quantum field. Once you live in the quantum field, things can happen instantaneously. Time, space and matter don't matter. Matter, physical matter. They don't limit you because quantum realm doesn't have that. So it's very interesting looking into that, but learn for yourself, like I give advice, but people need to figure this out on their own and work toward it. It's a process. It doesn't just happen overnight.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I completely agree, but I think this is a good reminder for anyone listening of like what are you grateful for? What is something that you could come up with, and it could be a multitude of anything. It could be family, friends, it could be your home, it could be your job, it could be any. It could be that you have fingers, it could be that you have hair, it could be that you can smile.

Speaker 2:

Oh, you had to bring the hair up. Did you had to bring the hair up? Yeah, I went there, did you? Oh, looking right at me? No, it's funny, though.

Speaker 2:

There's a second part to that that people forget. So they say, oh I'm grateful for, and they list a bunch of things. The second part of it of that is how does it feel to be grateful for that thing? That's the part. The emotion is the fire. That's the saying oh, I feel grateful for or I am grateful for it, whatever. That's like the spark. But the emotion is the fuel, the fire, the thing that explodes at the ego.

Speaker 2:

How does it feel to be grateful to be alive in the time that we're living in? How does it feel to be grateful for your house or your car, or your spouse or your job, or for the money that you do have? How does it feel Like the feeling, the emotion. That's the language of the body that says, oh man, that's awesome. If you just say it, it's not impactful. Oh, I'm grateful for this, I'm grateful for that. Who cares? No, that's not.

Speaker 2:

You got to talk to yourself internally like your soul and go. You know what? I am so grateful for that my wife and I have such a great relationship in that she's stuck around all this time Because I've made some dumb moves and some bad mistakes and some things that I should have done differently. And yet she's right there by my side. Man, that feels like it brings tingles to your spine. It makes you have goosebumps. Like I don't just say it, like I feel it, and what does that make me want to do? It makes me send that gratefulness, that appreciation to her through my actions. Like you can feel it. You can feel when somebody's pissed off at you.

Speaker 2:

You can feel when somebody's grateful and appreciative of you too, and so when you feel it, it translates over to the other person. Now a lot of people come to me and talk about money. I want more money, I need more money. I always talk about money as having a relationship, as if you had a relationship with a significant other. How you think about, feel about and treat that money is going to directly result in how much money you were able to have, how much money you're able to use, attract, how much money that comes to you, Because most people have a feeling about money of you're never around enough. How come you're never around when I need you? How come you're? It's not. You know you're never, it's never enough for me. Well, if you treated a person like that, then they would leave you, and that's why most people cannot or don't have money coming to them like they want, Because they push it away and they don't even know they're pushing it away.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and it's also so. I want to bring up two points. I think you brought up one major point, which is the emotion that we can create and that we have inside of us with the gratitude. So there's definitely levels to that experience and where it is. And then number two, the words we use, like we were talking about earlier. The words we use like when people say I'm just getting by, like, or I just made ends meet, I go, you just made ends meet.

Speaker 2:

How are you? How are you doing today? I'm doing all right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, doing all right.

Speaker 2:

Dude, I'm freaking fantastic. I am wonderful. I am freaking. Just I'm lit up. Yeah, today's a great day. How are you doing today? Well, it's a Monday. What is okay. What does that mean? No, it's not a Monday, it's another day that you're alive, that you get to do something. Let's expect something amazing.

Speaker 2:

You know the most successful people that I know. They expect success. It's an expectation. I expect to win, I expect to have success. I expect to have a great day.

Speaker 2:

Now, it doesn't always mean that the day is going to go exactly like I want, but whatever happens, my expectation is that it is for the better good of me. It's for the better good of my life and it's moving me in the direction. So when something occurs that I feel is uncomfortable or I feel discomfort with, I go what is this trying to teach me? What am I supposed to learn from this? What is this trying to do for me? How is this sculpting me into a better person? Oh, now, my expectation is that this is working for me and not against me. Most people use everything that happens to them as a it's working against me feeling, and when you have that feeling, then you're expecting to lose. You're expecting to have negativity from whatever event that occurs. You have to understand like success is not something you chase, it is something you become. You become a successful person, then successful things occur to you.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and that's what? Yeah, that's what a lot of like I listened to Jim Rohn and he talks about that a lot where it's like it's not the ability of making the money, but it's like who you become and what the caliber of what you accomplished, and like that's being a person of your words. So like, like even today we had a podcast and like we had it at two, the timing wasn't the best, but we were both on. And then the situation we just had to push it back a little bit, but we were both very respectful and on time to the minute where it was like that's a man of your word, that's a success principle, that's a successful treat of somebody, regardless of the money, but it's showing up. When you say you're going to show up and being in a place. When you say you're going to be in a place, like, regardless of what it is, I'm here. Like, yeah, I can't control everything, but I'm here and that's the important thing and it's that understanding.

Speaker 2:

It's in order to be. So. When you talk about money, a lot of people say they want to be a millionaire. Being a millionaire is obviously not easy. Or becoming someone that is a millionaire is not easy, because so many people say they want it or say they want to do that and they don't go through the process of becoming that person. It's like an acorn saying I want to become an oak, and then you plant it and it's like yeah, but I don't want to do the work of growing into the oak, I just want to have, I want to be the oak. You're like you're going to need to go through some changes in order to become that oak.

Speaker 2:

Well, if you have very little money and very little resources, or if you have some resources and some money and you say, well, I want to become a multimillionaire, the first million is hard and the reason why it's hard is because you have to go through that growing pain. But the cool part is is the second million is inevitable because you've developed the habits and you've developed the emotional wherewithal to understand that you are valuable and you are a multi. You are a millionaire Like the first million. Yes, it's tough, but the second million is inevitable because you've become a millionaire, If that makes sense, like you physically and emotionally become, not the money. I can give somebody a million bucks but they're not a millionaire. They will lose it, They'll screw it up, They'll mess it up. They don't have the emotional wherewithal to understand that I can use this money for me and I have a millionaire habits. So that's when we talk about beliefs it's like okay, well, what are your habits that you automatically have that allow you to succeed?

Speaker 1:

or not A hundred percent, and with what you've been seeing, what do you think are some of these habits that people carry and what do you think some of the Well, the first habit is they're not aware.

Speaker 2:

They're not aware of their thoughts, they're not aware of their emotions, they're not aware of their habits, they're not aware of the things that they're doing right now. Is it driving you in the right direction? They're not aware of a vision, they're just not aware. They're running on some automatic program that they've Of a belief, of conclusions that they've made throughout their life, and they're running on that program and they're hoping that it turns into a life that they want. That's not the way it works.

Speaker 2:

You can't hope a life that you want into existence. You have to become aware and create an action plan of a vision that you're trying to create and then you become grateful and content, no matter what, whether that vision comes to fruition or not. I can tell you, when you become grateful and content with what you have now, that vision is more likely to come into fruition and a lot quicker than you can ever possibly imagine. That's what I've experienced. So I listened to Jim Carrey say one time he goes as far as I can tell. It's asking the universe, telling the universe what you want and just taking action to reward it, without any expectation of getting it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yes.

Speaker 2:

That's so hard for people, because they want to control it. They want to control the outcome. Like you know what I have, this vision. I really like it. I think it would be great. Universe, god, please Can I have that. I'm going to take action toward it and I have faith that you'll give it to me, or something along those lines, and if it comes to fruition, fantastic. If it doesn't, I'll be grateful and content and appreciative of whatever I do get. And guess what? In the abundant universe that we live in, you generally get more than what you're expecting. Now, if you're expecting bad things, if you're expecting scarcity, if you're expecting negativity, you're going to get more than you expected of that negativity, of that scarcity. Just so you know, it works in both directions.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and I enjoy that distinction, because most of the time people don't bring that up and you keep bringing that up where it's like, hey, it's not even that you're compounding in the correct direction, but it's like you can compound in the negative direction as well and like we just need to be aware of that.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, look at what most people say. How come this always happens to me? Yeah, how come I can never get ahead? And these are the thoughts that go through their head all day, every day, and they're not even aware of them. Yeah, and you can tell them their responses to questions. You can tell them their emotions or their reactions, their physical reactions to stuff. Just ask them little questions. Hey, man, how you doing today? I'm doing all right. I mean just freaking become aware.

Speaker 1:

Well, it's also around the environment that you're in and you can tell when it's not usually one person, it's usually the entire environment that acts a certain way in a certain caliber. So for you, let's go back to your story. So, your son. I think we were back at where your son was born. Yeah, he was in and out of the hospital. You were working full time. You're trying to figure this out.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I was in my mid, early 20s at the time 25. And so you know, really confusing time for my wife and my family. A lot of people and a lot of people, yeah, and so, yeah. So he ended up having to have a trach put in which is a trach is where they do a tracheotomy and then he had a tube in there and a vent that helped him breathe Really helped him breathe and supplied oxygen and pushed air in and out, and so that's called full life support really is what it's called and he had that on and off. He. For the first three years he had it full time and then he started to get better. Then he got RSV and then he had to have it again and then he got better, and so when he was eight, he finally got off of that thing. So for eight years we basically focused on keeping him alive and keeping the family together. Now you can imagine we were living in the fight or flight scenario for eight years. It was keep him alive, keep the family together. Anxiety, fear, worry, you know all these scarcity type of things.

Speaker 2:

So the reason why I wrote the book Fix your Belief Systems, fix your BS is simply because I had to in 2018, I had to change my beliefs about who we were and what we were capable of and what was acceptable for me. And when I started to go through that process, I realized there were principles that you can put in place. I always talk about the three step, or the three step shortcut, in order to get whatever you want in life. Well, the first step is have a vision. The second step is take action every day toward that vision. The third step is get rid of all control or expectation of when and how that will occur. And that's the hard part. That's the faith part. That's where faith comes in, and it's so hard for people because they want to control it and go, oh how long should I wait for this? And it's just like look, wake up and be grateful that you're moving in the direction of that thing. You know, whatever occurs, that's kind of the three step, you know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, I think that's awesome and that whole faith part. I think the way for people to understand that also is to just reorganize the way you see things. So, for example, some people would sit there and go Jordan podcast 155 episodes. Why are you still doing this? What's the point of doing this? Is there any value in like you have?

Speaker 2:

to start that to you, because I'd kick them out of your life.

Speaker 1:

No, no, no no, no, no.

Speaker 2:

I mean, they're knocking your dreams down, dude. They should be lifting you up. They should be doing the podcast. Then who cares if it makes money? Do you enjoy it? Is it filling you up? Is it lighting you up? Is it part of your purpose?

Speaker 1:

The thing I was going to say with the parameters is like a lot of people don't realize with the podcast is it's my way of meeting people, it's my way of making new connections, it's my way of creating content, it's my way of putting everything in the way that I want it to be and building out my network in a very strategic way where you get everybody you want to speak to on and it's like oh, that guy's cool, come on, this guy's cool, tell me about it. What's happened? I mean, it's just the reframe of a lot of these challenges is the best way I found it to be successful, because there's a lot of challenges that you're going to sit there and go why am I doing it? What's the point of doing it? You start questioning yourself and even, as Dr Gregg said, even better, don't allow those people around you. But if you become that person, you start questioning it. You're going to have to do a reframe.

Speaker 1:

There's probably times when Dr Gregg handling his child, handling the business, how is he doing it? You know what I mean. You start to sit there and then the sun pushes through. It's incredible.

Speaker 2:

Well, thanks, I appreciate that. Yeah, I mean, it's one of those things that it was just an awareness that I had to come to, because the awareness came in a question. It was can I keep doing what I'm doing the way I'm doing it the rest of my life? And the answer, I knew inherently like it, was no, I cannot. This is not the way my life's going to go. And so the question that became was well, what do I want to do then? Like what, if this isn't what I want, what do I want?

Speaker 2:

That's step one. That's where you create the vision. You go what do I want? What if there were no parameters? What if there were no limitations? What would I want my life to be like? Because people go, oh, I can't do that because. And you go, no, no, no. Just because you have the money you have now and you have the relationship you have now and you have your house you have now and the job you have now doesn't mean that that's where you're going to be. If that's what you're focused on, then guess what? You will always be there. So you have to go what do I want my life to look like? And then you just write it out, man, you just create it without let it flow, don't justify it, just let it flow like what would I want? How would that work? If the universe is abundant and it supplied me with whatever I wanted? What would that look like? And then you just write it out and it should make you pretty excited.

Speaker 1:

And this is a great and I just want to pause really quick because this is a great action set for everyone to do right now as you're listening, pause the podcast for 10 minutes and write down everything you think and when you think you're done, you say what else would I like to do? Because your five year, 10 year goal should not be. I just want a promotion. There should be travel, there should be your physical body, there should be where your family is. Where do you want to travel? Where do you want to live? Where are these located? Like, get really detailed and granular, not this yeah, I'm on the path. Like don't I'm on the path me Like, make sure these are good when?

Speaker 2:

Where are you going? Where's the end result? Where's the destination? We're going on vacation when I don't know. Like you got to know, you got to know where. Like you're going to travel, you're going to plan the travel, you're going to have tickets and you're going to make sure that you know where you're going and how to get there. And that's the point of creating a vision. But, yeah, once you start creating that vision, it should light you up and get you excited.

Speaker 2:

But what most people do is they compared the vision to where they are now and then they get kind of sad or they get kind of depressed or they go well, it's too far, because you're thinking in terms of physical reality. You're thinking how much work and how much stuff am I going to have to do in order to get to where you want? Like the vision that you're creating, to get to where you want to go? You don't, you can't think in terms of that. You have to think in terms of well, it's possible because I'm thinking about it. It's possible because I'm writing it out Like it is possible, just because you don't know how to do it. It doesn't mean anything.

Speaker 2:

What the second part is is taking action toward it. Well, whatever, when people say, well, what action should I take? The action you should take if you sit quietly and you go okay, let's envision this vision, let's feel emotionally this vision. Let's let's really put myself what, if what would it be like to already have these things? Once you do that, what'll happen is is ideas will start to pop up, and this is the second step. This is the action. This is start taking action on the ideas. What I call it is acting on your highest passion at all times.

Speaker 2:

So you take action on the ideas you know I need to call this guy. Why did I have that idea to call this guy? Because your brain is trying to figure out how to get you to the destination that you have told your subconscious mind is important. So if you become aware of this process, it's like oh, now I know how my brain works, so I just you keep using it and keep repeating it, and then you become very good at it because you've done it a lot. You've also become very good at the opposite because you've done it a lot. So this is the second process, the better process.

Speaker 1:

This is also really important because the constraints we put on ourselves we don't realize it right. Like so, if you're making $50,000 a year and you're like, how am I going to accumulate a million dollars, how am I going to create this dream life? You're not going to ask yourself, how can I make $50,000? Like I'm going to keep making $50,000. No, it's what do I need to do? What needs to change? And those are the types of questions Like what needs to change to make this vision occur? What can happen to make this vision occur? And when you ask yourself bigger questions, your brain will give you those answers that you're looking for, and it's not always the quickest one. You might be in the shower and then you're like, oh my God, I know this guy and this guy and I can connect them and then we can make money. Like there's a lot of different ways of thinking about it. So I think that's a really good point.

Speaker 2:

Well, yeah, it's called imagination, and a lot of people don't use their imagination, they don't really tune into their purpose, they don't really get aligned with it. They just kind of, like I said, go through the habits of their life and that's why they're really depressed or sad. See, like I think people that are depressed and sad and really, you know, just frustrated with their life, they're just not in alignment with who they really are, the things that light them up the most. And if you make a list of all the things that light you up the most and all the things that you're doing, like make those two lists, all the things you do all the time and all the things that light you up the most, that get you the most excited, if those aren't overlapping a lot, then of course you're going to be sad and depressed and upset.

Speaker 2:

And I was there for a long time. I like playing music and playing golf and playing guitar and singing and traveling and going to concerts and teaching people and reading books and discovering new things and all this like stuff. Well, if I had written all that out at the time, it was like, well, I'm not able to do any of that right now or I'm not doing any of that right now and of course I'm going to be like, well, this sucks, yeah, you're not doing the stuff that you love to do. They light you up. Now I'm not saying you're going to run around doing only the stuff that you love, but let's say, 80% of the time you're doing things that make you really excited and you're really lit up about, then the 20% really won't matter.

Speaker 2:

But if it's the opposite, where you're doing 80% of crap that you don't like doing, or more 90%, and you're only doing things you like to do 10% or 20% of the time, well of course you're going to feel like out of balance. You're going to feel like your life sucks. You're like man, I just I don't know. I just I can't find the energy. You can't find the energy because it doesn't light you up.

Speaker 2:

And then all of a sudden there's a guy's golf trip and you're like, dude, I'm so excited about this. And now you have energy and excitement. Well, yeah, because you're doing something you love to do, you should plan for that stuff, become aware and start working toward it. You only get this one life. You just got to keep fighting for it and keep working toward it and you're going to have great days and you have hard times, but guess what? Those things aren't going to last. You're going to have great times, you're going to have hard times and you want to do as much in the middle as you possibly can that light you up and make you excited, and just that. Then that becomes your baseline.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and it's also super important to remember that the way you feel is not who you are. Like people say, I am depressed, I am this, I am that. That is not who you are, because there are times where you are excited and we're constantly changing emotions, so we should become aware of that that you are a person and you can change at any moment.

Speaker 2:

Well, the phrase I am is very powerful. The phrase I am is very powerful. People should be very careful with that phrase. I am is is you telling you're? You're telling the world, but you're also telling yourself who you really are. You know, I am abundant, I am constantly working, looking for opportunity, I am healthy, I am grateful, I am appreciative. See, these are the things that I stay all over the you know, over and over and over.

Speaker 2:

But if, if in your mind, you're saying I'm so frustrated you just said I am so frustrated so your brain, literally if you repeat that enough times, with enough emotion, feeling frustrated then your brain will start to look for things that make you more frustrated. It's literally the way your brain works. That is your subconscious mind, which is what your belief systems really are. Your conscious mind is what you're conscious of, which is why I said you have to become aware. Awareness is consciousness. You're becoming unconscious of your thoughts, conscious of your emotions, conscious of your habits, and if you repeat something consciously enough times, with enough emotion, your subconscious mind will start to believe it and you will become a new person, which then attracts other things that are like that new person into your life Better relationships, better jobs, better opportunities, better money, better whatever, and so that's the thing you should consistently try to work towards.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely so. How was that transition for you and what did you go from and to to change your whole life?

Speaker 2:

I went from being frustrated. I went from being depressed and sad because I didn't know my future. I wasn't happy with where I was, I wasn't happy with where I was headed, I wasn't grateful, I wasn't appreciative. And so I can say now I live a majority of my time being grateful, appreciative, happy, fun, light, because it's easier when the energy is lighter, it's just life's more fun, you can breathe easier, not so heavy. That doesn't mean I'm not. I don't get into positions where I don't feel good or I'm not. You know Like. I get into moments where it's like, but I don't stay there, I don't live there. It's like 5% of the time Because you have to make.

Speaker 2:

When you're an entrepreneur and a business owner, you have to make hard decisions and those things can feel emotionally like turmoil, but ultimately if you get really good they call it entrepreneurial intuition If you're really good at listening to your soul and your heart and your that subconscious, like bad things that have occurred in business. If I remember back to right before making that decision, there was something in me going. Something feels off about this. But my brain said no, you're fine. We've looked at everything, but that feeling told me something's a little something's off and I trust that feeling.

Speaker 2:

But unless you're aware of yourself, you're not going to be able to know that feeling Like, unless you're aware and pay attention to the emotions you feel after you've made decisions and connect things. See, most people, when they have something that they, something occurs in their life and they're like, oh, I don't like that, they blame something and they've lost the opportunity to learn about themselves and about their decision-making process in that moment. And when you lose that moment, when you lose that, then you have the possibility of making the same choice again, which leads to the same outcome, which makes you feel unhappy and sad and depressed or whatever. And so, if you understand that process, anything that occurs you should use as something that is working for you. Good or bad, positive or negative, Feels good, feels bad, doesn't matter, it's working for me. What is this trying to teach me? So that way I grow and become more a better individual over time.

Speaker 1:

That's what maturity is 100% and you have to be accountable for all of the things that occur in your life, whether they're good or bad. So just to give the audience a little more perspective what externally occurred when you made those shifts in your life. Like what was it?

Speaker 2:

Well, the first, thing is, yeah, the first thing. I became a new person. Immediately I made a decision. I said I am not going to be the victim of my circumstances anymore. And I made a decision. I said I'm gonna take control, I'm gonna stop whining, I'm gonna become a man and I'm gonna freaking man up and start making better decisions with better thoughts and become aware of my actions. And so the first thing that came to me for that was I reached out to a friend, started having a conversation with him. We went to. He said he was going to this conference and I decided I'd go and I figured out a way to pay for it, even though I didn't have the money. And then I went to that conference and I bought the best ticket you could buy.

Speaker 2:

And that moment because I had a different experience changed me. Because I went, I am worthy to sit in the front row. I'm just like all these other clowns that are making a lot of money and I am worthy of money and I am worthy of success. And that worthiness turned into making different decisions and having different conversations and saying different words, and it moved me in a totally new direction, because I felt worthy, felt. Yes, you know what? It's not arrogance, it's not. I'm better than anybody, it's. I feel worthy of wealth, I feel worthy of success, I feel worthy of happiness. And that feeling, repeated enough times, turned into who I was. Now people look up to me and go man, you just seem so happy all the time. I'm like I just I am. That's who I am, do you understand? Like that's just who I've become. I am lighthearted, successful, happy, wealthy, all these things, because that's who I am.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and what conference was this? And what was the big change that occurred after you left the conference? What happened to you, where it's like, cause, a lot of people are in like the day to day, and they're like, like, what is it that actually Look, if you're in the day to day and you're unhappy, then you have to identify, you have to become aware.

Speaker 2:

I said it again become aware of what you're unhappy with, and then you have to become aware of what it would be like to be like. What would you like your day to be like, to be like to be happy. Now, I'm not saying that it's gonna happen instantaneously, cause it was a process. It took me three to four years to really be good at this, but what happened was I decided to go and I went to that conference and I realized that maybe I do belong here. This is something that I could do, and then it become.

Speaker 2:

I started to gain momentum and I started to talk a little bit different. I started to reach out to different people and I started to have different friends and different people in my inner circle and my network, and they were all thinking positive about opportunity and about entrepreneurship and about growth, and so that's what we were talking about. We weren't talking about things that suck and the economy sucks and interest rates are so hard and money is so tight and dude people make money in good economies, bad economies. That is an excuse.

Speaker 2:

You're saying it's a reason, but it's an excuse Money is there to be made if you are aware of the possibility of opportunity, and you only become aware of that when you have other people around you and you are focused on looking for, expecting to find opportunity and potential, and that's what you should do. I would say, though, the biggest mistake I made in my entire career is being in a hurry, not understanding the pocket of being present and going. You know what I'm content and I'm happy with now, and I'm working towards something better, and I'm becoming better because I'm working towards that, but that doesn't mean I'm discontent or unhappy or ungrateful or unappreciative now. So when I became centered into that content, happy, appreciative, grateful, that's when I was feeling that a majority of the time shoot, I became unstoppable.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I completely agree. I think it's super important for people to realize what it is they want, and it's all an internal game. So you have to change the internal and then the external will change and it will take you to a new direction. And, like, I think Greg brought up a really good point regarding changing the environment. Not too often do we find ourselves changing environments because we're comfortable with those people and maybe you like your work, or maybe you like your friends, or maybe you like whatever, but sometimes it takes you gotta invest and change the environment that you're around and that will change the way you think about things. So for you, greg, what is your biggest recommendation for the audience in regard to transitioning their life, to looking for that opportunity, creating those groups? I mean, we've touched on a multitude of different things today. What do you think would be the top one? Just two words.

Speaker 2:

Know thyself. You got to know yourself. You got to know what you want. You got to know who you are. You got to know who you want to be. That's it Know yourself. Now, how do you figure that out?

Speaker 2:

Some people call it meditation, some people call it prayer, but you got to get quiet and you have to ask yourself what do I really want? Quiet, I mean, no distractions. Don't think about the things you have to do, or the future, or where you're at, or the things that you've experienced in your life, the things you like or don't like. Who am I? What do I want? What if my life was just the way I wanted it? What would that look like? I just sit there and ponder. I'm talking for 15 to 20 minutes. Put a timer on your phone so you're not worried about how long you've been sitting there. Get quiet. It can be dark, it doesn't matter. Just try to get comfortable, shut your eyes and just start pondering. What would my life look like if I had it just the way I wanted it? How would that feel? What would that be like? Take some breaths, just be present in the moment.

Speaker 2:

When you start doing that on a regular basis which initially it'll be clunky. Your brain will kick in and go well, how are you going to do that? You don't know how to do that. I can tell you the exact house I want to build and I'm not there yet. I don't have it but I can tell you exactly what I want. I don't know how it's going to happen. I don't know when it's going to happen. I can tell you what I want. All I know is the challenges and the things that I'm working on or that I face today are building me into the person I need to become to actually have that thing. I don't know when and I don't know how, but I know it's going to happen. That's because I've spent a lot of time knowing what I want, who I am, what's important to me. Most people don't do that.

Speaker 1:

I would say most people probably plan more for Friday night than they do plan their life. I think that's just a wake-up call for the audience, for everyone to sit there and think about what do you want, Whether you're 20 years old or whether you're 60 years old, figure out what you want in your life and how are you going to. You don't even have to figure out how you're going to create it, but you just have to know the directional awareness that you're heading towards, because I always like to tell people it's okay as long as we're taking baby steps, even if we're crawling, doing whatever, as long as we are trending in the correct direction. Who cares? Because you're going the right way. That means you're on your path and that's okay. I think that's awesome. Dr Gregg, you have been amazing. Where can people find you, hear more about you, reach out.

Speaker 2:

Instagram is the best spot at Dr Gregg personally, that's just the best way. I put a bunch of stuff on there and I've done a ton of podcasts and we have my own podcast, which is Fix your BS, about belief systems. I do a couple of things really well. I have a regenerative medicine clinic called PC Medical Centers. We work on improving patients' outcomes by using natural processes. We don't use meds, steroids or surgery. We help them improve the function of their bodies. As you know, I'm a chiropractor but I've turned more into the CEO because we're growing and developing clinics and other clinicians. Then I help practitioners that are stuck in their practice become the CEO, owner of their practices, or two different skill sets.

Speaker 2:

The Fix your BS world is all about how do I help people just become aware of themselves and aware of how to get the life they want to get and become happy and content. Your life is the emotion that you spend the most time feeling. That's what your life is. That's how people know you. They would describe you as a frustrated person or a depressed person, or a happy person or a aloof person, or a sad person or a successful person, where you spend a majority of your emotional time. That's how people know you. You have to know you. How do you want to feel? What would be the emotion that you want to spend most of your time in? How do you get there? That's when you start working on you. Then, guess what? The external world starts to change because of it. Go to my Instagram. They can find me there. Or they can look at our website, fixyourbscom, if they want to go there too. I'm just here to serve people and help them and try to help them grow and become better.

Speaker 2:

We listened to this podcast four or five times. There was so much great information in this People don't understand. Those are principles of life that I'm talking about. They'll never change. They're the same things that have been talked about by other people for ages. I'm not like some guru that came up with this stuff. You plant a seed, it grows into. Whatever that seed is, it doesn't change. It's the same thing. Well, this is the same thing Processes that have been used for thousands of years. Come up and do it. Watch this episode four or five times. Check me out on Instagram and direct message me if you have questions or need anything here to serve help and guide.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely Awesome. This is a reminder that this is the awareness that you need. These are the steps inside of here to change the direction of your life and change what you want for the better. Thank you, guys.

Understanding and Overcoming Limiting Beliefs
Creating a Happy and Fulfilling Life
Overcoming Beliefs and Taking Action
Taking Action Towards Your Passion
Change Thoughts, Change Life
Achieving Your Desired Life Path