FTCO Travel Podcast

Ep. 42 | Top 5 Places We Want To Go When We Can Travel Again

Friends That Carry On Episode 42

The Friends are Back! This week we engage in a round-robin style discussion about the various spots around the world that we have not had the pleasure of visiting just yet. We go over our top destinations we look forward to visiting once the world reopens. Have a suggestion for one of your favorite places? We would love to hear from you. Visit us online at Friendsthatcarryon.com or your favorite social channel. And remember #lifedontsuck when you're traveling with friends!

Moderator :

Welcome everyone, to the friends that carry on podcast where we dive deeper into our trips and tactics and everything in between. So sit back, relax, and get ready to go on a trip with your favorite Ripper friends.

Speaker 2 :

Hello and welcome to friends to carry on podcast where a group of friends who like to love to travel the world and try to create FOMO wherever we can, especially among our friends, but hopefully bring back interesting travel tips to our listeners. We are joined today by fellow friends Tony price, Brian Roman and Eric Fargo. And I am Jim Scott. Today we are going to be we're going off sort of freeform Friday a little bit so to speak. We are each going to talk about our top five places we would like to go and I'm not sure if it's everybody's gonna say where they haven't been before. And I don't think that matters in my case is good. I've never been there before. But we're going to those talk about a little bit. We're going to go round robin. So one location per person, we know that we and we have not discussed this ahead of time with each other. So we do not know, we realize it will probably be some duplications. But either way, it should be fun, interesting dialogue. And then when we put it up, we're hoping we get some feedback from our listeners on some of their top five places to go. So maybe we can feature some of those places in future podcasts. Anyhow, why don't we get started? And, Tony, do you want to go first?

Speaker 3 :

Sure. So I'm taking the approach that we're stuck. We're here. You know, we can't go anywhere. We are literally stuck here. We've had how many trips canceled that we're planning on going in this year? years, but Eric was supposed to be going to Italy in May for things to leave, right.

Unknown Speaker :

We had two trips, one to Vegas, one to Florida canceled course. Pamplona canceled my house Summer in France was canceled. We just had Oktoberfest. It's canceled. So I'm taking the approach that where the hell do I want to go? As soon as we can get out of Dodge, right? So I'm kind of gonna go more of a reverse order of kind of like five to my top. Doesn't mean I don't want to go to all of them. But that's kind of what I'm doing just so you guys know. So I'm gonna do one that's quick. You know, as soon as the veil is lifted, I'm out of here. So I'm gonna go to one of my favorite domestic places, and that's Savannah, Georgia.

Unknown Speaker :

Mm hmm. Nice.

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah, I'm kind of looking at it with this concept of, if I have to cancel it, not a big deal. I can get credit. And you know, major plans have to go into Savannah. So that's gonna be a quick, easy one. How quickly do you think you're going to try to digitalize the shot right? I think we're gonna Yeah, late June, maybe right after Fourth of July. Go ahead and book something. And then again, just like with our other flights, we got credits. I'm going to use those credits and I have to apply it to the next flight that we're going to but but I love Savannah I think I've talked about it before I think it's on my on our website under for me one of my favorite places and Jim you haven't been yet

Unknown Speaker :

no I haven't been I'm looking forward to it or knowing good things from from you. And other people. My daughter Lauren went there for St. Patty's Day last year, but anybody I've talked to is like savannas I got to go place for their the old town for the restaurants for just the atmosphere. The old southern charm. So I'm looking forward to it other than maybe the heat humidity in July.

Speaker 3 :

Well, the food should make all the food and beverages. Oh my goodness, that whole river rock area is just

Unknown Speaker :

just a blast. And again, there's I love everything about Savannah, right? Absolutely love it. So I can't wait.

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah. So when you said booking in July or after the fourth Are you waiting till then to book are you going to book in like May or June depending on what restrictions are actually looking now it's In Georgia, so a lot of restrictions are already being lifted. Yeah,

Speaker 2 :

that's kind of why I'm thinking this is mid April.

Unknown Speaker :

Right. And that's another consideration for those. Obviously, this is a time sensitive podcast and what I'm about to say, but as states reopen some of those early states like Colorado, Georgia, Texas, might be the early destination places once some of these places open up. So just Florida. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker :

yeah. I mean, I was looking at it too. And we were talking about this earlier in case our grape harvest festival gets canceled, because we're still planning on hitting to Paris and and October, but looking at if there's any events that are kind of scheduled, because, you know, we figured those are probably the weeks that something's going to get canceled, or there's not going to be a big event. But the good thing about Savannah, I mean, it's still a big city, there's a lot of walking around, I mean, certain places obviously will get crowded, but I don't think we'll have to worry about that kind of issue there. So,

Unknown Speaker :

yeah, my guess is, is they'll still be enough social distancing or fear, even if it In this I'm talking as if all restrictions have been lifted, which probably won't totally be the case they'll probably still everybody practice social distancing and some other things like that, assuming there weren't a rebounds or anything. But that combined with with the middle of summer I think you're right. I don't think there'll be big crowds. I think there's gonna be people there ready to go. But I don't think you're gonna have big summertime crowds.

Unknown Speaker :

And I think also, that's a good area where there's a lot of outdoors seating, so there'll be opportunities, plenty of places I think you can go and not people feel uncomfortable. I think we're gonna be fine, so I just can't wait.

Speaker 3 :

Now, where your duck places that's Memphis Oh, that's that's my bad Peabody. My bad

Unknown Speaker :

now and I haven't done a lot of research on Savannah so I might be speaking totally unintelligible. But I understand the beaches aren't too far from from there, if you do

Unknown Speaker :

Tybee Island, Tybee islands another fantastic place it's a great day trip and we may actually do that go out to Tybee. is not a big place it's I don't know, maybe 20 minutes 30 minute ride,

Unknown Speaker :

huh? Cross kind of like fit enough spread out. Yeah and enjoy the beaches and Oh,

Unknown Speaker :

yeah. Do you have a particular place you want to stay when you go

Unknown Speaker :

there's a couple places we're looking at. I mean, there's several places right there on the Riverwalk area that is that a really nice, but definitely down in the historic area. That mean there's several places but kind of along the water is is definitely the most fun places to stay. We do a hotel more than likely and be Yeah, more than likely hotel. I mean, well, look. You know, there's not a whole lot of houses right there on the water. So,

Unknown Speaker :

so how are you planning to fly?

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah, I think we're looking at flights because that's the other thing right now are $200

Unknown Speaker :

Well, yeah, and I know the cheaper airlines Legion or something. Teresa found for like $53 Yeah, I don't know what the details were so there could be some that could be one way Had no luggage and your rod in the cargo bin. I

Unknown Speaker :

think they just fly over and you have to jump out. Fun.

Unknown Speaker :

That is no she can't got excited. She gets excited. I'm like, well, let's look at the details. We're missing something

Unknown Speaker :

for US Army version.

Unknown Speaker :

But yeah, with

Unknown Speaker :

both times that we've been to Savannah, we've driven in this case just because I just want to get there. It with flights at $200 as well.

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah, but in gas prices are cheap, too

Unknown Speaker :

cheap. It's just that extra. I'd rather be there

Unknown Speaker :

is that $200 and you can cancel within a

Unknown Speaker :

right now it is it's it's pretty much you can cancel.

Unknown Speaker :

Most of them are kind of it depends on the airline. They're either doing they're definitely giving you credits. But in a lot of situations, you can get a full refund if you want to. We know we're traveling. So I'm like just give me

Unknown Speaker :

right that's right. You know, right. That's the best thing to do. If you you're traveling there's

Unknown Speaker :

a as we'll take just couldn't take it. So yeah. Cool. So yeah, so there's my love of Savannah. And then it's number five, not because it's my fifth favorite place, but because it's the first place. I'm going

Unknown Speaker :

very good. There you go. All right. Well, we're just going around Robin and Brian, you're next in line.

Unknown Speaker :

Okay, very good. Well, I'll take a little bit different approach than Tony, I'm, I am i will i always do and I always will. So I'm not really thinking about what's coming up first, although this potentially could be and I've talked about this before, too, and that's Everest base camp. So you know, we me and my oldest son who's 18 he really wants to do the trek. It was about a two week trek you fly into I think we'd be probably doing the south side and Nepal and it's about a week trek out up to base camp, which is at about, I believe, 17,000 feet, and, you know, hit the village Just all the way through, maybe play that little golf course on the side of the mountain. And, and then on the way back, I think, you know, for me, especially with him, oh, heading to college next year, and you know, you can kind of see him heading out of the household sooner than later. I really want to do that trip with him. And so that's that's high on the list and, you know, like for my wife to come if she would, but I'm not sure that that's going to be for her. But I will tell you very well mine. Now she she could probably do it better than I can. But the that's probably

Unknown Speaker :

why she didn't want to go with it. She's gonna be in a faster pace. Oh, wait.

Unknown Speaker :

Well, we'll see. But that's however it goes. You know, just going and having that experience with him before he heads out, I think would be really cool.

Unknown Speaker :

That'd be that'd be very memorable. Obviously we have a few friends who have done it regularly jazz lesbian, being the main one. It does that every year. And I know you're you've reached out to him and I'm working on some things with him his Sherpas and that type of stuff. So it's good to have those kind of resources out there.

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah, we're hoping we were hoping I think maybe in December or potentially early spring might be a decent time.

Unknown Speaker :

That's kind of the two best times right. And kind of right around that in December, Christmas time area. And then what again, like April, I think,

Unknown Speaker :

yeah, a little later, early, late. Spring, is what my understanding is. So that'd be fun, though.

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah, no, that's definitely kind of one of those bucket list types of trips.

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah, for sure.

Unknown Speaker :

Now, one of the things are saying with the pandemic and a lot of industry down, and obviously India is known for its pollution, that type of stuff that they can actually see. avarice from about 100 miles. I don't know if that gets to Nepal or not, but i think i think it does, and there's a lot of those places that can now see the mountain tops that they haven't seen in decades. That's kind of wild in it. It is.

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah, I've seen some of those photos of kind of The before the pandemic and after you know, a month later, right pretty amazing.

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah, yeah, so still got to have the economy running but it's interesting what we do right.

Unknown Speaker :

And I'll definitely be flying there Tony. So you're

Unknown Speaker :

gonna drive there I'm gonna drive there now we

Unknown Speaker :

got gas prices are pretty cheap.

Unknown Speaker :

You could take a boat.

Unknown Speaker :

I could I mean you could hike

Unknown Speaker :

your lawn. You still need a boat.

Unknown Speaker :

Very good. What about you, Jim? Well, are we skipping Eric are going straight today.

Unknown Speaker :

I think we should keep it

Unknown Speaker :

you know that way around Ron, what can you We'll go to Eric cuz, well, it's just a natural order.

Unknown Speaker :

Of course I'm a little different than everyone else. Force I take it a little bit different approach to this. Something I've always wanted to do. And I'm gonna put the feelers out there for our listeners. helped me along to achieve this goal a little later in my life. And that is, and something a lot of people don't know about me, I'm a huge tennis fan. And I have always wanted to been wanting to go to all four grand slams.

Unknown Speaker :

And that's always been a big

Unknown Speaker :

to do on you know, bucket lists for me, and, and I never thought that it would ever come to fruition but now that I've traveled and I know how to travel, I think, Wow, dude, I can actually do this and probably make it affordable. And, and I don't have to do it all in one year. I just want to get to all venues. You know, it starts out in late January, early February and Australia, Southwestern, I guess Australia, and I have no problem getting there. Because I've been to Southeast Asia in January. All I have to do is get over there and get South down to Australia and I would like to try to Take out New Zealand log down there but if I'm going to be hitting the Grand Slam and where that usually takes places in Melbourne, I doubt I'll be able to include New Zealand in that trip. I'll just have to go back and another time right Damn, I gotta get back. Can I get it back? So in the in the second stop on that would be in May, which would be Roland Garros in Paris right outside of Paris. And that is I know, definitely very doable. And I'm putting feelers out there to any of our listeners. How do I do it? What I do, how I get tickets. You know, I don't know when I'm going to go it could be this year could be next year could be two years or three years. I don't know when it's gonna happen. But I would like to get to all of them at some point in my life.

Unknown Speaker :

Okay, so So is that two or one?

Unknown Speaker :

Well, that's actually two. Are we just doing one my bad? That's okay. That's a jump. Don't expect that either.

Unknown Speaker :

Now go back to your first one Australia that was on my list also, ah, okay, part of what I i in formulating this list was that because there's tons of places I want to go. So there's really nothing not on the list. But it's it I guess it's some goals, so to speak. So Australia is on there because it's one of the continents I've not been to. So it's not specifically because I want to go to Sydney or Melbourne or, or out, you know, with Aborigines or whatever. But it's a cotton. I haven't been done. I think it's very interesting. There's a lot of great stuff there and it will be incredible. But I'm looking at from that perspective there. So Australia is one of mine as well. Well, what's also what I love about Australia is

Unknown Speaker :

I have not met a non cool Australian or I have

Unknown Speaker :

apparently overlooked

Unknown Speaker :

Every woman I've ever met has been cool and adventurous and always been nice to me. And they're always very outspoken. I'm gonna read about

Unknown Speaker :

you. They're definitely that.

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah. Well, they're very, they're the most adventurous people I've ever met in my life. Let's just say that they, they're everywhere we are there. They're front and foremost in Pamplona, because they're just, let's face it, they, you know, they like adventure. They love adventure.

Unknown Speaker :

They're all good folks are just a little rambunctious. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker :

they're very Yeah.

Unknown Speaker :

And they love to drink. So I me that this group's never been accused of that. Right. Come on now. Well, going back to Eric's trip, I you know, that was I didn't think that that was two I thought you were doing all four grand slams, that was one thing that you wanted to do. So you were talking about Australia, Paris, Wimbledon, and New York for the rest of us open. So I thought that was kind of one of your five was to do all four of those. Oh, that means anything.

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :

we're gonna go here while

Unknown Speaker :

the world according to Eric, it's fine.

Unknown Speaker :

I've been focused. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker :

But you know what, you know, just from a planning standpoint, a good Southeast Asia down into in January, yeah down into Australia and to see it would be a great trip and just a great trip

Unknown Speaker :

and, and that again, sorry, we're going back to my trip but just the experience of going to Southeast Asia gave me the reality in my mind that dude, you, you could really get to Australia and really see the Australian Open. I've never really thought it would ever happen. But now it's it's a it's a goal. And it's a reachable goal. And I know how to get there.

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah. Jimmy when you're telling Is there any particular part of Australia that you want to go or just kind of just all of it, just get it?

Unknown Speaker :

Just get there. And there's, I mean, obviously it's a whole continent. It's a huge country. There's a lot to do. Unlike say, it doesn't matter whether, like when we had bow of metal on a few weeks ago, he was out in sort of the, the outback. So that would be incredible. But I know Melbourne and Sydney are great cities too. So it's more of getting there to say, I've got that continent, but then I know when I get there, there's gonna be some great experiences, whatever it might be. So it's, it's, I'm not I don't have a single focus there, so to speak. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah, I definitely wanna hit Australia too. Right.

Unknown Speaker :

So who's next?

Unknown Speaker :

Well, I guess I'm next I'm in the circle. Even though Eric took one of mine that nothing we knew that was gonna happen. We knew that before was gonna we knew it was gonna be here. So like I kind of said, I'm looking at it more of an actually the next one coming up doesn't necessarily apply to what I said earlier, one on goals to hit certain things like hitting all seven continents is is a goal. And that's why I want to That's why Australia is in the top five here. But since we're in the region of Australia, New Zealand is another one I want to go to and, and I would probably try to package it with an Australian New Zealand trip in the same time so I'm not making that long flight around the world to different times and I've looked at a number of different options and there's a lot of New Zealand Australia packages to or packages, whatever you want to call it to put those together but I just think it's a beautiful place. It's a beautiful island you see all these different films there and that type of stuff. I just the beauty of New Zealand and some of the unique animals and stuff like that just really appeals to me so it just very exotic so I'd like to go there,

Unknown Speaker :

Jim, I want to take one of those jet boats through their rivers. Those they have those. If you've seen them. I've seen video of in New Zealand they take these jet boats That are I guess, propelled like jet skis. And they carry maybe up to five, six people. And I mean, they move through these waters really quick. You think you're gonna hit a wall and these canyons and it's like going through the Grand Canyon in a jet boat?

Unknown Speaker :

I'm sure it's very adventurous. I would love to.

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah. Oh no, I mean it's in the exotic part of it. I mean, you've got obviously sweeping mountains, mountains, but you got lots of underground cave systems.

Unknown Speaker :

You got glaciers there and from glaciers, you go to boiling hot springs. And then you got a coastline with golden sand beaches. So it's pretty, pretty incredible. The walking tours if you look at some of the photos that that's really the that was actually on my list was New Zealand and I watched a show one time I think they called it the walk of life. It was about a two week walk and I'm not sure which trails it was but they they just took you through some of the scenery, some of the weather the fjords or some of that scenery and just the spirituality of the walk for the two week period, putting all the technology away and, and walking through that country Look, look just something for me.

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah, it was. It's totally different than pretty much every place we've been.

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah, you know, you think of New Zealand think of Tasmania too. I of course have to go to Tasmania. What you are the Tasmanian devil, right.

Unknown Speaker :

Used to be a nickname so I have to step foot on as your main you're also out of order.

Unknown Speaker :

Out Of Order

Unknown Speaker :

again, that's not unusual.

Unknown Speaker :

So Jim took one of your places,

Unknown Speaker :

right? He did. That's okay. I wrote down a few extras.

Unknown Speaker :

That's okay. Look at Yeah, we allowed to do that.

Unknown Speaker :

I think that is breaking the

Unknown Speaker :

rule. I don't I didn't hear anybody at all. So you could only write down five.

Unknown Speaker :

That's because you weren't listening.

Unknown Speaker :

While I was downstairs, I think on a phone call.

Unknown Speaker :

That would explain All right, well, there's nothing else on New Zealand we're gonna go to round two and start with time again.

Unknown Speaker :

So this isn't a particular city,

Unknown Speaker :

but it's basically the entire country of Italy. Hmm. So we've been talking about, you know, you guys obviously none listeners know that I was supposed to go to France Southern staying the whole month in the southern part of France. This July, of course got canceled, but the similar concept I wanted to do in Italy and kind of travel around and Eric, you guys you did it obviously last year. We were supposed to do it again here in a month. But there's so many places in Italy that I want to go and we really don't spend time in Venice. And there's so many places I mean, between then Naples, Ching tear, the Amalfi Coast, Rome, Tuscany. I mean, there's so many iconic places in Italy. Obviously it's not gonna be one trip, but that's something that is definitely high on the list, as soon as we're able to travel is to kind of get over there and and spend a good bit of time there good two weeks, then I could see that being more of to kind of a full family type of thing and to be able to stay significant amount of time. And just take everybody and go Leave me a blast.

Unknown Speaker :

It'll be great. I have not been to Italy have talked about and just haven't made it over there for whatever reason. So it's not on my top five for this thing, but it definitely is up there to get to

Unknown Speaker :

just the whole concept. I mean, this the lifestyle of Italy is food, the wine, there's the the laid back.

Unknown Speaker :

I don't think there's anything you won't enjoy about it. I promise you. I really do. I know. I know. It's my homeland. And I talk about it like it's my homeland, but it really it really is. It's a shame that Italy and France are separate, but it's kind of cool that they are in the same aspect. Does that make sense? I know exactly. To me, you know what I mean? Cuz they're both really awesome places in their in their back countries are just gorgeous. Exactly. just gorgeous. Yeah. really are.

Unknown Speaker :

That mean that's definitely high on my list.

Unknown Speaker :

You can't go wrong going to Italy? No,

Unknown Speaker :

that just took another one off kind of off of my list. You know, I didn't have Italy, you know so Broad City was Venice not been to Italy or Venice obviously if I hadn't been to Italy. I haven't been to Venice by the way. It's true.

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah. So why don't you go into more detail Brian. Tony was very broad. Why don't you be more specific?

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah, yeah. So you know, the canals, the food, the environment. You know, most most of you guys have been there and had such great experiences. I know I know my wife wants to go I think again, you know, the taking the whole family and the kids would be fantastic. I love Italian food and and outdoors. I love eating outdoors. being outdoors. I think that canal rides would be incredible. And and then just you know, traveling around a little bit outside of Venice while you're there and maybe checking out some of the historic sites, of course, that would be part of it. But

Unknown Speaker :

yeah, it's pretty. It's pretty cool. Yeah, it's very family friendly. Your family will definitely enjoy it. There's a lot there's enough to do and see for sure. And I'm sure they'll be welcoming you when they're ready to open their borders back up again.

Unknown Speaker :

I mean, it the there's so many things unique about Venice, but a couple of the big things for me just are the sounds, you know, yeah. There's no cars Of course, it's just what you're used to on a day to day basis, kind of walking down the streets different. And then the other thing to me is, it's just the whole purpose is to get lost. And you're not gonna have a choice you will get lost. I mean, because there's not a Straight Street, you think you're going down the street and you're gonna write it right?

Unknown Speaker :

How the hell did that happen? I'm gonna step in the water on this

Unknown Speaker :

but man so much fun in that in that city. I'm just absolutely is Yeah, you know just everything about it

Unknown Speaker :

you could sit down pretty much anywhere and have a good meal. Oh let's you know so you're walking around and you're let's pick here let's pick it doesn't matter pick a place it's gonna be good. It's gonna be good. The wine is gonna be good. The pizza is gonna be good. It's you know your kids are going to enjoy it. Yeah, highly recommend. Yes, absolutely. Yeah, definitely on the list. Cool. And we should put you up in the monastery. Yeah, absolutely. No, Abby. Yeah. Tell me about that.

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah, what's the name? I don't remember the jumping off. Sorry. I'll definitely look that up. I think Terry was just not far from the Rio alto bridge. It's not far but it's really right when you come across.

Unknown Speaker :

You know, whether it's the train or the bus when you come across from the main It's just right down is an old Abbey and that's been bugging me that can't Yeah, name of it anyway. But it is it's really an old Abbey that's been turned into an hotel and it's called the monastery. No, it is it was a monastery. Yes, I'll look it up for you. But I can't think of it turns me mad that we didn't know the name of it, but

Unknown Speaker :

it was more than

Unknown Speaker :

I should have joined us on the podcast and

Unknown Speaker :

it was so funny. We always talked about we were I think we were specifically talking about that place the right in the little sanctuary area. That's where the bar is. Right is kind of quirky. And what was it Amsterdam or heinekens like

Unknown Speaker :

Heineken, Heineken,

Unknown Speaker :

Heineken didn't matter? We're close but hey, you want to hide it? Yeah, okay, thanks. I want to bed

Unknown Speaker :

we don't know how to get Yeah, no, we're good. We don't need any more here. More. Okay.

Unknown Speaker :

So the hospitality in Italy.

Unknown Speaker :

Did not their breakfast was unbelievable. Goodness, just the fresh cheeses and meats and the shark cuter. Yeah, it was just

Unknown Speaker :

You're not your typical American breakfast. Yeah. No, not not there. You don't need it.

Unknown Speaker :

But the definitely cool place. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker :

Okay. All right. That sounds good alley to you guys. Good to not talk me out of it.

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :

Awesome. I want to go there. It's on my turn. It's Eric's turn. That was crazy.

Unknown Speaker :

One of Jim's ice cubes just popped out of his glasses kind

Unknown Speaker :

of crazy. That was pretty wild. That was very unexpected. I knew we should have been rolling the video.

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah. Well, Eric, I guess.

Unknown Speaker :

So I want to stops last time.

Unknown Speaker :

Oops. Like it matters. Just whatever comes to your mind you roll with it. All right.

Unknown Speaker :

Yes, that's the way I like it. Whatever comes to my mind. So second trip after Australia would be in would be may would be roll on garrison Barris outside of Paris. I mentioned that I mentioned that. So I guess The third place would be July in London at Wimbledon. I love to do that. Because that's huge on my list and I would love to go to Wimbledon. And I don't care if I stand or sit down on they call it Strawberry Hill maybe, and watch it from the outside. But I would love to get a ticket. So anybody out there has dibs on tickets. Let me know.

Unknown Speaker :

Strawberry Hill wine. Would you say?

Unknown Speaker :

No? I think I think outside of the venue in an at Wimbledon. You can watch the big screen and I think they call that Strawberry Hill. I may be wrong. If I am someone will correct me. I'm sure

Unknown Speaker :

they won't be one of us.

Unknown Speaker :

I mean, you'll definitely be wrong. I may not be about that. Right. So yeah,

Unknown Speaker :

you're right.

Unknown Speaker :

So you're sticking with the the Grand Slam theme here.

Unknown Speaker :

The I'm gonna stick with a Grand Slam theme in my third place. I'm ahead of everyone else. Sorry.

Unknown Speaker :

All right. So Eric, you were talking about being a winner. Milton and Strawberry Fields or Strawberry Hill, right?

Unknown Speaker :

Or something like that.

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah, we were talking about that

Unknown Speaker :

and and watching Wimbledon and your grand slam

Unknown Speaker :

quad trilogy here. Yes. I don't know if that's a word it is today.

Unknown Speaker :

But anyhow we were talking earlier. So if you're in London, wouldn't it be cool when that same trip to pop out to the Isle of Man?

Unknown Speaker :

Oh, I think you're right but we don't know if the timing is right because well, we have to know the Isle of Man is famous for what? It's racing and a concert. And Oh right. We don't i don't know when those

Unknown Speaker :

I don't either, but I'm gonna assume it's gonna be fun to go there either.

Unknown Speaker :

I agree. I'm with you, brother. I want to go to the Isle of Man. But I want to watch the motorcycle race on the Isle of Man.

Unknown Speaker :

Right and maybe our buddy Alan may bang so I'm sure he'll be at the race and he's written in some of those races. So really?

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah. Oh, that would be fun to go with without and I don't even either Can you name one place that it would

Unknown Speaker :

be fun to go with?

Unknown Speaker :

her? No.

Unknown Speaker :

He would love that response right about now.

Unknown Speaker :

To be listening I have a feeling he would make that fun out.

Unknown Speaker :

So I'm Wilmington in July right rumbled Wimbledon is in July

Unknown Speaker :

normal years yeah lately Yeah.

Unknown Speaker :

Like and non

Unknown Speaker :

COVID years Fourth of July work in July is usually Wimbledon. So yeah, so

Unknown Speaker :

what about the other two? The racing we don't know.

Unknown Speaker :

We should probably look it up. We don't know off the top of our heads but but the man what's cool what's between Northern Ireland and England or the British Isles. And it's its own sovereignty even though it's just a little island. So if you go there, it's one of the 40 some countries of Europe so you could knock a country off your thing also, which is why I would want to

Unknown Speaker :

consider it a micro country.

Unknown Speaker :

I think it's bigger than that. I don't Okay, I don't know but it's all about size.

Unknown Speaker :

Moving on, moving on.

Unknown Speaker :

Well, there we go, Eric.

Unknown Speaker :

We've got wimpleton and maybe the album man and we'll look into more of that. I guess I'm up next, but we've had somebody else join us and I'm going to bring him in now before I go again. Walt Palmer is joins us. Hello, everyone. Welcome Mr. Welcome, Mr. Palmer. Where would in your top five what what would be the first place you think of going after being tied down in this pandemic?

Unknown Speaker :

The Napa Valley. Okay,

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :

only because I think they're Cabernets are some of the richest velvety Cabernets in the world. Okay,

Unknown Speaker :

personal preference. So you'd be leaning towards a wine tour?

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :

doesn't even have to be a tour.

Unknown Speaker :

That's the wine. So So, Napa Valley and then I'd like to see the redwoods.

Unknown Speaker :

So California, California I've never been other than stopping off to go to Hawaii and places like that true.

Unknown Speaker :

California did children color going on in Cali?

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah, I think we could all get behind that and there's talk of maybe doing some some tours out there as we move along with with some of the Napa Valley tour operator. So who knows, maybe we'll end up there and do a podcast in Napa Valley and and Ben, you can lead it would be fun. And definitely

Unknown Speaker :

you should lead the podcast inside of a redwood tree holding a glass of Cabernet.

Unknown Speaker :

Wow, beautiful.

Unknown Speaker :

I like it. That's a good call. There you go. Nice. Have you guys been

Unknown Speaker :

just an idea. Anyway, I have been to the Napa Valley. And I have I've been to San Francisco, but I've never actually been to the redwood forest. But I have been up in the San Francisco. The border is

Unknown Speaker :

not the Not the forest itself.

Unknown Speaker :

That's it's obviously a beautiful country and place we probably need to get heartless sounds like it. Were Yeah, we'd go all over the world and sometimes forget some stuff in our backyard.

Unknown Speaker :

Well, some of the oldest living things on the planet are those redwood trees,

Unknown Speaker :

right? This is having a lot of downtime at home.

Unknown Speaker :

Okay, where have I not been in the US that I want to go? And it's Napa Valley. area.

Unknown Speaker :

So that's awesome. All right. Well, jumping back in order, I guess it'll it'll pop back to me. And the next place I'm thinking about and this is going along with with trying to get to all the continents. For some reason I have not made it to South America yet. So there were talks to go into Peru a couple years ago, and we ended up going to Southeast Asia, which was wonderful. But I just haven't got there. My dad's going there. My several friends have gone there. Machu Picchu and oh, But that's not where I'm going.

Unknown Speaker :

I want to go. Colombia.

Unknown Speaker :

though. I have a friend who worked for a company that kartha ano was, was their headquarters though. Lots of jokes were made of that, but they made concrete quotation quotation, Charles David. Hi, Dr. Shout out to Charles David on that one. But now I'm thinking, we did have some buddies go to Easter Island. So I would love to go to Chile, and then pop out to Easter Island. I think the exoticness of Easter Island would just be a great experience. But then Chili's, got a lot of great reviews to food and they're at the end of the Andes Mountains and that type of stuff. So it would knock off a couple things one get into South America, but then hidden Easter Island and seeing the the mo was and all that would be pretty cool. That would be cool.

Unknown Speaker :

Yep. Patagonia has always fascinated Me, I would always love to see that area of the world.

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah, I don't know it. It's great. I had a now this is the early 70s. And going back, a relative who it was never officially said he was in the CIA, but he was in Chile in the early 70s when they had the big revolt. And so Joey's come up and family conversation from time to time. So there's also a unique tie in there as well. So Bernie, I think it'd be great to get to Easter Island and and get South America.

Unknown Speaker :

That's the longest coastline in the world, Chile, or would that be Australia?

Unknown Speaker :

How much does the Amazon take up in South America? You because I was in Ecuador, which is kind of towards the top of South America. But Ecuador is a pretty long skinny like Chile is kind of long and skinny, long and skinny, long coast. And I just wonder how far the Amazon goes down in there. It's pretty

Unknown Speaker :

large. I can't remember I didn't know that at one point. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker :

like wow, though, like when I went to Ecuador, we flew into Quito, which is the capital of Ecuador. And it's like, probably 9000 feet in elevation. Geez. We jump in a very rustic vehicle. The roads are fine. They're

Unknown Speaker :

rusty or rustic, rustic, rustic and rusty.

Unknown Speaker :

And we travel all the way down to the Amazon, which is like probably a six hour seven hour drive, which stops really and then you get in the Amazon. So you start at 9000 feet and in at probably at the Amazon, you're probably I don't know, a couple thousand feet still in elevation. Mm hmm. You know, but it's it's drastically different. Like you're in jungle. Like when you go and like when you enter into the Amazon, you know, you're there. There's no surprise

Unknown Speaker :

that 3977 miles across South America, you go Wow, well, that's a little bit that's that's a little bit. That's a river. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker :

Cool. Nice. Oh,

Unknown Speaker :

all right. Well, Tony, I think we're though Eric's gotten our rounds off a little bit. I think we're round three for you. Okay.

Unknown Speaker :

Sounds good. Round three. I'm going back to Dubrovnik. Ah, yes. Croatia. Adriatic Sea Dalmatian coast. Nice choice. One of my favorite places. just unbelievable. Everything about it. Did you get married there? I got engaged there. Same, same difference. Well,

Unknown Speaker :

she doesn't know about the marriage.

Unknown Speaker :

He's mail order brides.

Unknown Speaker :

Boys. No fun place. Great ancient city. You know, it was a canal city somewhere to Venice. Very affordable. It is affordable. Once you're there.

Unknown Speaker :

It's still portable to live.

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah. Inside the old walled city, it's still affordable. But everything about it we loved great food, great people. Just a fun casual town. Good. You know, good vibe. So

Unknown Speaker :

So what's the cuisine like there? What would you like it That too.

Unknown Speaker :

Oh, wow. Well, it's coastal. So there's a lot of seafood involved.

Unknown Speaker :

Some of the best mussels, and that's the only place that I've ever been. When they brought them out. We were like, Oh, where's the silverware? And we remember Shelly asked and he looks at us with

Unknown Speaker :

no hands,

Unknown Speaker :

you have hands. So kind of like oysters. They're the muscle. You just pick them up out of the bowl and scoop a mountain. slip them down.

Unknown Speaker :

That's not how you're supposed to do it.

Unknown Speaker :

I don't usually do muscles that way. everyplace around here usually give a little before any point. Right, but they were great. But all the food was was really delicious. I mean,

Unknown Speaker :

I had some of the best mushroom soup I've ever had in my life. That's great. Yeah, it's so many bowls of that. I just couldn't get over. It was so good. But a lot of seafood Yeah, mainly because you're right there on the Dalmatian coast.

Unknown Speaker :

The whole Adriatic Sea is dead. Delicious and they do this big tacular

Unknown Speaker :

it was really good. You made does it have an Italian twist on it? No, not really.

Unknown Speaker :

Because, you know, they're right

Unknown Speaker :

across the sea from the

Unknown Speaker :

Italian coast. They get their looks from over there, but they don't get their taste from over there. I don't

Unknown Speaker :

think it's a mixture. I mean, because, you know, we went into bosnia one day and that food was completely different than, you know, Croatia right now. I don't know. I haven't been I mean, it's still on my list. But I will say Germany but I mean, the whole Dalmatian coast I want to get to you know, split getting all the way up the coast but I don't know what the food's like in the northern part. But

Unknown Speaker :

so the influences are different Slavic influence. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker :

there's that there is that that Eastern Europe mix combined with a little bit of Italy? Yeah, it's definitely a mixture. It was really good but they do it well. They do it very well.

Unknown Speaker :

They do it well. I know hearing from your own wine. Sorry, in your pictures and oh, I definitely told my was not in my top five for today. But that doesn't mean I don't want to go there. how surprised large city?