Thought and Leaders

Joshua Styles, Senior Ecologist and science communicator

Season 4 Episode 1

Joshua Styles leads a new generation of ecological superstars.

As a popular science communicator with a background in botany & conservation, as well as a 1st class degree in BSc Ecology, Joshua regularly appears on TV to explain the importance of ecology and the environment.  

Joshua is one of a select group of experts in the UK  to receive a FISC level 6 certification (BSBI).

He has also been awarded the study prize 2017 for obtaining the highest aggregate mark across the faculty of arts and science. 

Joshua is also the author of the Edge Hill University Biodiversity Action Plan.  

He works with internationally respected conservationist organisations including Chester Zoo and is the founder of the North West Rare Plant Initiative (NWRPI) (
In this episode of Thought and Leaders, Joshua talks to Jonathan Gabay about the importance of wild-flower conservation and the future of the planet post- COVID. 

If you have never heard of Utricularia Minor, get ready for an enlightening experience that could help you save our delicate planet.

(Listening time 29 minutes).

Gabay produces podcasts, social video, journalism and brand insights.

Author of 15 books, his work is endorsed by the world’s biggest marketing training body.

If you are looking for award-winning content for your brand, or have a story you would like to share with the world, get in touch or DM.