Thought and Leaders

Patrick Barr - Getting the over 50s back into the workplace

October 05, 2020 Jonathan Gabay Season 4 Episode 2

Over 50 and looking for work?  Then listen to this.

In this special interview, author and consultant, Patrick Barr explains  how those aged over 50 years old can confidently compete during these dark days of COVID for work.

In a no-holds-barred conversation, Patrick provides tips and techniques to help ensure that age is no longer a barrier to employment.

Patrick has over 20 years of international leadership experience.  He held senior roles in Ireland, the UK and USA in the airline, FMCG and IT industry sectors. 

Patrick is a member of the Enterprise Ireland Mentor Panel and The European Mentoring and Coaching Council.

He is also the author of the highly successful book: The Successful Career Toolkit (published by Kogan Page).

If you are aged over 50 and have felt disillusioned and disheartened with the search for work when up against Millennials, spare a little time to listen to this fascinating episode of Thought and Leaders.  Who knows … it could help you make that career break which you richly deserve.

(36 minutes listening time).

Gabay produces podcasts, social video, journalism and brand insights.

Author of 15 books, his work is endorsed by the world’s biggest marketing training body.

If you are looking for award-winning content for your brand, or have a story you would like to share with the world, get in touch or DM.