Thought and Leaders

Sir David King on vaccines, Lockdown2, Christmas and 2021 post Covid-19

Jonathan Gabay Season 5 Episode 1

With Lockdown 2 about to be lifted, vaccines announced, shops opening, pubs about to repour pints, hairdressers clip hair, faiths re-commune in small gatherings, and  Xmas retail opening for bargains, we asked Sir David King the COVID questions Boris refuses to answer.

Sir David King was the Chief Scientific Adviser to the UK Government, and Head of the Government Office for Science.

He serves as the Chair for the Independent Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (indie_SAGE).   Independent SAGE provides robust, independent advice to HM Government with the purpose of helping the UK navigate COVID-19 whilst minimizing fatalities.

Sir David holds 22 Honorary Degrees from universities around the world.

In this special episode of Thought and Leaders, Sir David answers questions that have been sent worldwide by listeners.

Thought and Leaders is a Gabay production. It is available on all major podcast platforms, as well as through Alexa and Siri.  
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(Listening time: 44 minutes).