Inside Out by Amber

Inside Out with Alex; Sex Work with a Stoma

June 28, 2020 Season 1 Episode 5

Something that strikes me about Alex, is her body acceptance and positivity particularly over the last year or so having undergone stoma surgery while very much being in front of an audience as an adult content creator and sex worker. In this episode, we cover all bases from discussing young diagnosis to body image, Mental health and careers.

Instead of taking a step back from sex work post surgery, Alex has done her best to embrace her stoma and encourage representation and acceptance within her industry. So, in this episode, we chat about her journey with bowel disease as well as her experiences of working in the sex industry while managing these things.

I’d just like to highlight that Alex and I are speaking from experience and as discussed in last week’s episode with Ruth, a stoma care nurse, it’s always important to discuss your own personal scenario with your healthcare team with regards to things such as intimacy post-surgery.

Apologies for the episodes intermittent audio in parts but nevertheless, I really hope you enjoy and took something from it. If so, please do leave it a review or find it on socials; @insideoutbyamber

Find Alex here;

Another big thanks to Pelican & Respond Healthcare for supporting this episode. You can find out more about them here; //

For any further advice or support, please contact your healthcare professional(s) or, see to one of these wonderful charities; 

Crohn’s & Colitis UK;

Ileostomy & internal Pouch Association;

Colostomy UK;

BowelCancer UK;

*All music paid for via EpidemicSound subscription*