Philosophical Trials

Sara L. Uckelman on Medieval Logic, Onomastics and Teaching | Episode 9

October 12, 2020 Tedy Nenu Season 1 Episode 9

Dr Sara L. Uckelman is an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Durham. She earned her PhD in Logic at the University of Amsterdam and her research interests cover many interesting areas including Medieval Logic, Onomastics, Philosophy of Fiction (among others). Today she kindly joined me for a fun discussion on many logic-related topics: I hope you’ll enjoy it!

Conversation Outline:

00:00 Introduction
01:43 University teaching during the pandemic
04:15 “What is Logic?” YouTube series
06:00 So, what is Logic?
09:18 Should all University undergraduates have some logical training?
13:50 Some History of Logic
16:35 What was missing from Aristotle’s Logic?
20:32 How was Logic being taught back then?
24:16 Research in Medieval Logic
27:10 Women in the History of Logic
32:03 Onomastics
37:34 Does studying Logic improve one’s life?
45:35 Book recommendations
