Femme Lead

S01 E06 Astrophysics: Owning your story. Science & Storytelling with Dr. Ghina Halabi, Ph.D.

November 04, 2020 Alexandra Ciobotaru Season 1 Episode 9

Dr. Ghina M. Halabi is the first person to obtain a doctorate in astrophysics from a Lebanese university, a Space Scientist at the University of Cambridge, Programme Director at Cambridge Judge Business School's Entrepreneurship Centre, and the founder of She Speaks Science. Through all of her initiatives, she aims to make science accessible and women in STEM more visible, one story at a time.

In this episode, Dr. Ghina discusses the role of astrophysics in science, gender biases in showcasing science as a career option for girls, and steps to change the narrative so that more women join STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics).

Throughout her career, Ghina believed that she had more to offer to the world and strived to receive the Award for Doctoral Studies at the American University of Beirut, becoming the first person to receive a Ph.D. degree in Astrophysics from a Lebanese university. Moreover, she was a postdoctoral research associate at the Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge, UK, where she investigated the evolution of stars and the formation of elements.

Passionate about women in STEM, she founded She Speaks Science, a platform that features stories shared by contributors in science from around the world: "We want to increase active engagement with science by inspiring young people into STEM, and to make STEM inclusive by promoting women and minority scientists. Our vision is a world where all scientists are valued, and where science is at the heart of society not a luxury or accessory."

In 2019, Dr. Ghina was featured in Postscript Magazine as the Muse Urania, in an issue that aimed to deconstruct mythological muses & reimagine them as modern #WomenofColour.

Episode Timeline:

Introduction & Astrophysics starting at 02’:

00:02:19 Introduction to Dr. Ghina M.Halabi

00:03:36 Astrophysics: Research focus at the University of Cambridge

Career Path starting at 9’:

00:09:40 From the mountains of Lebanon to obtaining the first Doctorate from a Lebanese University

00:12:22 Inspiration for career path and steps to forging your own path

00:15:40 The importance of role models in science

00:17:50 Conversation about biases in STEM

00:27:15 Initiatives taken to showcase role models in science

00:32:02 Reimagining Greek Muses as Women of Color

Advice section starting at 35’:

00:35:33 Advice for the scientific path and tackling underrepresentation

00:39:00 Invitation to join the "She Speaks Science" mission

Connect with Dr. Ghina M. Halabi: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ghinamhalabi/


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