A Healthy Glo Podcast

All About Tidying Up & Simplifying Down with a Pro Home Organizer

July 01, 2020 Season 1 Episode 5

A Healthy Glo Podcast

Episode 05. All About Tidying Up & Simplifying Down with a Pro Home Organizer

In this episode, I talk with Darina Charnin-Levi, a full-time mom and also a professional home organizer of Tidy Our Home, located in the San Francisco Bay area. Darina helps people declutter and reorganize their homes by creating neat and tidy spaces and bringing positive changes to their lives. She consults clients with various types of organizing projects including home or office organization, moving and preparation, downsizing, and any other daunting organization project from start to finish. Listen to the episode to find out how you can simplify your life by organizing your home and also snag some useful tips to tackle problem areas like your closet space and children play areas!

These are the topics we cover in today’s episode: 

  • What is a professional home-organizer and why should mothers work with one?
  • The importance of tidying up and how it leads to simplifying your life
  • Tips and tricks on how to keep the house clean and how to tackle problem areas
  • How to engage young children to tidy up with you

Resources, Specials, and Links:

Darina’s special offer* exclusively for A Healthy Glo Podcast listeners:

E-organizing consultation program - a two-week personal program with: 

  • Video chats
  • Custom-made action plan and product match
  • Unlimited access to me via messages
  • Follow up on the final result

Regular value of this program is $180 but A Healthy Glo Podcast listeners will get a $50 off discount with promo code: ahealthyglo

*Offer valid for 30 days from July 1st, 2020

Follow Darina

Facebook @tidyourhome
Instagram @tidyourhome

Connect with me:

Blog www.ahealthyglo.com
Instagram @ahealthyglo
Email ahealthyglo.ask@gmail.com
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/ahealthyglo/ 

Be sure to subscribe to my monthly newsletter by clicking here and get a FREE Healthy Kickstart Guide emailed straight to your inbox! 

Are you a mama or mama-to-be? Want to finally tackle your health goals? Consider working with me and sign up for my 1:1 A Healthy Mama Coaching Program by clicking here: https://ahealthyglo.com/work-with-me/