AgriFutures On Air

From paddock and sea, to plate. How can food producers tell their story?

AgriFutures Australia Season 1 Episode 1

Years ago, Australian agriculture was like the dinner meal we sat down to most nights; fairly straight forward, meat and three veg. But now, Australian agriculture is like a massive smorgasbord of choice. It's that consumer choice, and how today's consumer makes their choice that we are going to talk about in this episode. 
 We have launched a new resource which will help food producers tell their story right along the food chain up to, and including the end consumer. We'll also hear from the people who created this resource to delve deep into what is driving this desire by consumers to know more about the products they buy. And finally, how does telling your story work in practical terms? We ask a venison producer who has put this all into practice. 
 Featured in this episode:

  • Jennifer Medway, Senior Manager, Business Development, AgriFutures Australia
  • Helen Johnston, Creative Services Director and Co-Founder, Honey & Fox Pty Ltd
  • Sophie Hansen, Deer Farmer and Founder and Manager, My Open Kitchen