AgriFutures On Air

The untapped potential of Aussie working dogs

AgriFutures Australia Season 2 Episode 3

The contribution working dogs make to Australian farms is well documented but how well do you really understand your working dog?

 2020 AgriFutures Rural Women’s Award VIC Winner, Kelly Barnes is passionate about her dogs and believes working dogs have so much more potential than we realise.

 Kelly has developed a Mates Working Dog School – a working dog school to build low stress stock handling skills and to create a strong bond between dogs and their owners. Improving dog performance is only part of the story with Kelly keen to investigate the social connections and networks with like-minded producers.

 Kelly has channelled her own personal experience with chronic pain and mental health into the concept and she is hoping it could run in multiple locations in regional Australia.

 This is Kelly’s moving story with her loyal kelpie, Dugald by her side.