Axelbank Reports History and Today

#89: Philip Dray - "A Lynching at Port Jervis"

Evan Axelbank

Lynching is often and understandably thought of as a southern problem. But Philip Dray's new book, "A Lynching at Port Jervis: Race and Reckoning in the Gilded Age," explores the only lynching that occurred in New York State between 1882 and 1899. He explains why northerners must come to grips with not only the violent incident that happened in the "idyllic" Delaware Water Gap village of Port Jervis, but with the racism that permeated many of the states that were first to outlaw slavery. He explores what happened on June 2nd, 1892, and how the justice system reacted to it. He also shows how the small town has begun to confront their difficult history.

Information on Dray's book can be found at

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