Axelbank Reports History and Today

#91: Marc Lamont Hill and Todd Brewster - "Seen and Unseen"

Evan Axelbank

If George Floyd had been killed by police in almost any other era of American history, before we all carried high definition cameras in our pocket, there's a good chance the perpetrator would have escaped justice. In "Seen and Unseen: Technology, Social Media and the Fight for Racial Justice," BET news anchor Dr. Marc Lamont Hill and longtime reporter Todd Brewster explore how changing media has leveled the playing field between those who have power, and those who historically have not. During our discussion, we explored not only the life and death of George Floyd, but also how media helped build and then tear down segregation. We discussed how access to technology has shaped white supremacy and the effort to eradicate it. They also explained their writing process and what it was like to write the book as a duo, with one author being Black, and the other being white.

Information on their book, from Simon and Schuster, can be found here

Marc Lamont Hill's social media feed can be found here

Todd Brewster's social media feed can be found here

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