Axelbank Reports History and Today

#100: A Celebration of History

October 11, 2022 Evan Axelbank

We made it to a hundred episodes! Our celebration features a discussion between four hobbyists who have taken their passion for history to a whole new level.

Listen as host Evan Axelbank chats with Alicya Asai of the podcast "Civics and Coffee," Jeremy Anderberg of the newsletter "What to Read Next," and Steve Floyd of the website "Best Presidential Bios." We all explain why we love history and why we wanted to take our passion public!

“Axelbank Reports History and Today” could not have made it to this milestone without our listeners, Patrons, guests and their publishers. Thanks to each of you, and we will see you next week for episode #101!

Listen to Alycia Asai's "Civics and Coffee" at

Read Jeremy Anderberg's "What to Read Next" at

Peruse Steve Floyd's book reviews at

Support our show at

**A portion of every contribution is given to a charity for children's literacy**

"Axelbank Reports History and Today" can be found on social media at