Axelbank Reports History and Today

#105: Stephen Knott - "Coming to Terms with John F. Kennedy"

Evan Axelbank

There are few presidents as highly regarded and as misunderstood as John F. Kennedy. The horrific death of the 35th president froze him in time, allowing his legacy to be crafted by those who wished to see him lionized, while squeezing out the critique all presidents must face in order for the nation to learn from their successes and failures. In "Coming to Terms with John F. Kennedy," Dr. Stephen Knott explores his personal journey in understanding JFK, while also examining the most hotly-debated aspects of the Kennedy Administration, which lasted less than three years. From Civil Rights to Vietnam to Kennedy's personal life, Knott parses the myths to give us a more complete picture of one of the most complicated men to ever serve as America's chief executive.

Dr. Knott can be reached on social media at

His website is

More information on his book from University of Kansas Press can be found at

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