Axelbank Reports History and Today

#106: Jeremi Suri - "Civil War by Other Means"

Evan Axelbank

In this episode, Dr. Jeremi Suri explains how the Civil War was only the most violent part of the attempt to subvert American democracy by southern states. During the late 1860s until the 1890s, he explains how southern politicians, white supremacists and Confederate veterans stopped Black Americans from participating in public life. In his book, "Civil War by Other Means: America's Long and Unfinished Fight for Democracy," Suri shows how violence and political will destroyed the American creed of "one person, one vote." Suri also discusses how American democracy is facing echoes of those decades today, and what can be done to ensure our government is truly, "of the people."

Jeremi Suri's website is

More information on his book can be found at

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