Axelbank Reports History and Today

#107: Andrew Rice - "The Year that Broke America"

Evan Axelbank

In his book, "The Year that Broke America," Andrew Rice doesn't just argue that the year 2000 changed things, he argued that it broke everything. From the presidential election, to the seeds of the 9/11 plot, to Elian Gonzalez to reality TV, he explains how a confluence of unfortunate incidents led America down a path from which it has never recovered. It's also easy to forget that Donald Trump waged a presidential run that year, a run that showed him how the country wasn't yet ready for his brand of politics. In sixteen years, it would be. Rice reconstructs how media, politics and violence became places to fight, as opposed to places to come together. We didn't get Y2K in the way we expected, but we did get permanent PTSD.

Andrew Rice's website can be found here

More information on his book from HarperCollins can be found here

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