Axelbank Reports History and Today

#111: Adam Mendelsohn - "Jewish Soldiers in the Civil War"

January 17, 2023 Evan Axelbank

Until now, the story of Jews who served in the Civil War has been incomplete. Dr. Adam Mendelsohn's book aims to showcase their contributions and sacrifices while explaining how their time in the Civil War differed from that of other soldiers. From rations that were not kosher, to lack of opportunity to fully celebrate holidays, to relatively few comrades, it was not always easy for Jewish soldiers to practice their religion. He also shows how their views of race and slavery often depended on the side to which they pledged their allegiance. Mendelsohn also describes how the story of their service is still evolving, thanks to the work of scholars and archivists who are generating a database of every Jew who served and sacrificed.

Information on "Jewish Soldiers in the Civil War" can be found at

Professor Mendelsohn's website can be found at

The Shapell Roster of Jewish soldiers in the Civil War can be found at

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