Life on Mars - A podcast from MarsBased

012 - One SaaS to rule them all - Controlling access, expenses and more with Brad van Leeuwen (Cledara)

MarsBased - Àlex Rodríguez Bacardit (CEO) Episode 12

SaaS is becoming messy. Companies tend to hoard them involuntarily just because they're cheap and easy to sign up for, so it's easy to subscribe and forget.

Have we reached the point of SaaS fatigue? Difficult to say, as there are several actors within companies signing up for SaaS, so we might not know everything we signed up for unless we're in the finance department and audit them thoroughly.

In fact, as a company, we also need to control not only what we sign up for, but what our team uses individually. Sometimes SaaS infiltrates companies through individual B2C usage, like it happened with Dropbox many years ago, or Mailtrack in sales teams.

Brad van Leeuwen, COO and co-founder of Cledara, a SaaS that helps businesses to manage all of their SaaS subscriptions, explains in this episode how to keep expenses under control, how to control accesses and regulate governance within companies and most importantly, how to pronounce his surname.

We also learnt how to build SaaS by asking feedback to your clients and keeping a healthy balance between all clients' requests and your own roadmap in a sensible way.

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