Bright Future

Ep. 15: Sinead Bovell on the death of learn, work, retire

The Conference Board of Canada Season 1 Episode 15

Technology has been affecting how we make a living since we first started using tools. Never before, though, has technology changed as quickly as it does today. As artificial intelligence becomes more common in our everyday tasks, we can expect even more disruption: No longer will a human be the smartest entity in the room.  

This disruption goes beyond just how we work. According to this episode’s guest, the traditional “learn, work, retire” career path is dead.  

Futurist, writer, and entrepreneur, Sinead Bovell founded WAYE—Weekly Advice for Young Entrepreneurs—in 2018 to help youth prepare for the digital world they are coming of age in. Already, there is a gap in the skills people have and those organizations need. As technology advances, that gap will only increase. Sinead says the COVID-19 pandemic has shown that our digital infrastructure in not sustainable. We need people with diverse skill sets to tackle our wicked problems, and systems that allow us to continue learning new skills.  

She’s brought this up at the UN and to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and has written about it for The Globe and Mail, Vogue, and WIRED. In this episode of Bright Future, she talks to us about how people can prepare for artificial intelligence in their own jobs, the importance of diversity in technology, how governments and schools can be ready for advanced tech, and the most important skill we’ve all been practicing already: adaptability. 

Find Sinead on LinkedIn @sineadbovell, on Instagram @sineadbovell, on Twitter @sineadbovell, and at her website,

Learn more about WAYE at

The Conference Board has research on social and emotional skills through our Education & Skills focus area and the Future Skills Centre

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