Rebel Leader with a Heart

#75 - A conversation about values, purpose and vulnerability with Lisa Morton

March 31, 2022 Murielle Machiels, Lisa Morton
Rebel Leader with a Heart
#75 - A conversation about values, purpose and vulnerability with Lisa Morton
Show Notes Transcript

Today, I’m excited to talk with the founder and CEO of communications agency Roland Dransfield, Lisa Morton. We are going to discuss the importance of ingraining values in the company culture, why purpose is so important to keep everyone motivated, and why being vulnerable makes you strong!

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Murielle Machiels:

Hi. I'm Murielle co mom, an educator, I obsessed with helping other leaders builds meaningful lives.


I'm great. Thank you. Thank you so much for inviting

Murielle Machiels:

Maybe you can tell us who you are a little bit


Absolutely. So I am founder and CEO of a and really use their platforms for a purpose. So we help them creating those purposeful relationships, grades,

Murielle Machiels:

and you specialize in values. Also, why


Yeah, well, it. The reason we went this happened, it values, then helping them to understand what's important to translated into possibly the culture that was in our business agencies. And they all had very good credible track record. But making me feel uncomfortable in lots of different ways. And that sitting a little bit, so I felt a little bit out of kilter. even though the business is doing very well. And we had an the office, and we sat everybody around the table. And I said, I that we did with a consultant that I'd known a while back, understand is that how few organizations no matter how

Murielle Machiels:

And they're on the walls or on the wall


absolutely. But but nobody could recite them, nobody us individually. And for me personally, because once you teacher, pupil cetera situation where you have to say no, that's work with. So it's a liberating and safe environment for

Murielle Machiels:

Yeah, no, I really find values very because a lot of people had or a lot of organizations had to within the whole organization.


Very much. So yeah. And I think it's really important around a table and we could thrash those things out. But enterprise. Those values have got to resonate with you as a everybody was involved in those values. Each week, we take a or weren't aligned. So it's a working, it's a working language didn't know what was going to happen, we have no clue as to one of them. And I thought that we may not come back in the the values are the things that kept us together. The bit they member. Yeah,

Murielle Machiels:

no, I agree. I agree. But then I have a easily to a one to many. So when you're doing your social media


think it has to be, has to be part of the organization's of our platform, and the need to use our resources to create more So it's, it's not, I don't have to remind people that that's whole fabric of your organization. So I think you you carry on with your day job. And I feel so much now, don't care how well you're doing. I mean, it's a biggest people want to know is of those resources you've that you've the values of organization is not what the bottom line is this

Murielle Machiels:

definitely. But and also the struggles, I


completely. And it's Yeah, so there's a lot more world needs more leaders. So we shouldn't have that as a, as an we've never been able to prepare for, for lots of different resolutely Stokes the way they've always done stuff. And clients that we the pandemic wasn't the same for everybody.

Murielle Machiels:

Yeah, no, I agree. And so what you're people also feel useful when because when you're perfect, you connection.


Absolutely. And, yeah, we have a value again, as in the pandemic, when we're working from home was that some environment, take all that away, you had some of the most I think where it differed this time was because we felt so sad, might not know what's gonna come tomorrow. And as you say, that otherwise, why would you want to be a leader? If you think you've

Murielle Machiels:

Yep, completely agree. But that's, I see you as strong, also. But you can feel weak, because it's not


No. And I think, I think certainly, where I learned my dad, I got upset about something and I was sent off in they can't, they can't disconnect their emotions. Now, leadership. We're working currently in Greater Manchester and from an early age and working with some kind of have got a long way to go. But you know, we do is better in

Murielle Machiels:

Yeah. On on. On one side, I, I agree with to continue functioning,



Murielle Machiels:

yeah, because we've now a lot of us are vulnerability. Well, there are still moments and it's accepted,


I think it's different for us to some degree, because was for a number of reasons. And one of them was to, you know, working from home for if you're in a lovely house in a leafy where their working life is an inch from where they sleep in a seen each other for two years in person, but the only lips six organizations to come back. And and then you know, going back to they actually work with. And it doesn't really matter because

Murielle Machiels:

Yeah, yeah, no, it's true. And in the last deeply feel with each other, changed a lot of them, because a


Yes, I can see that. And I have and people have said I think it's then again, you know, is how do you create that or you have you know, you have a fundraiser or a, you know, bake

Murielle Machiels:

it's Yeah, but you still can have that the tasks that needed to be delivered? Yeah. Yeah. How do


I think it's a piece of work. That's there's just that period of time. And so they need to relook at those and make difference. We're seeing a real shift in terms of p values purpose? What are they here to do beyond the work that they particularly with a younger generation, now, we find that how what what trees can I plant here with you? Can I have as important as having bank holidays or private health, I

Murielle Machiels:

Yeah. And we see in the statistics now, that for their community. And, yeah, that that's what organizations can attract people that want to work there and feel connected to


very much. So we give them volunteering days to our something which is outside, that, you know, the work that feel aligned. But we're now doing lots more work in like not strong corporate who's supporting a charitable needle in some positive way.

Murielle Machiels:

Yeah, exactly, exactly. And so I hope last two years, we've been a little bit too much focused on


Definitely. And now is the time and I believe totally and really get organizations to show up in a different way and

Murielle Machiels:

Yeah, yeah, completely agree. Well, thank


Absolutely. So you can find us on Twitter at rd PR Manchester. And so there are some amazing conversations in

Murielle Machiels:

Great, we'll put the links in the show notes


Thank you so much. I've really enjoyed it. Yeah, me

Murielle Machiels:

too. It was nice having you here. It's it's was the superficial sides from the agencies that I didn't


Thank you so much. Thank you. Okay,

Murielle Machiels:

bye, Lisa.


Bye. Murielle Thank you. Yeah, you

Murielle Machiels:

finished another episode of rebel leader you rebel leader with a hearts