Rebel Leader with a Heart

#76 - Design a life you don't need a vacation from with Mel Miles.

April 18, 2022 Murielle Machiels, Mel Miles
Rebel Leader with a Heart
#76 - Design a life you don't need a vacation from with Mel Miles.
Show Notes Transcript

Hey there rebel leader with a heart! In this episode, author, entrepreneur, and public health expert Mel Miles will talk about her tips to build a life you don’t need a vacation from. Be sure to tune in!



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Murielle Machiels:

Hi. I'm Murielle co mom, an educator, I other leaders build meaningful lives. So each week, I'll be Hello, Melody, welcome into rebel leader with a heart. It's


Good morning. Great to be here.

Murielle Machiels:

Yeah. So maybe you can tell us a little


Absolutely. So my name is Mel miles. And I am a public Gates Foundation, and so have traveled all over Africa. And

Murielle Machiels:

Great, great. And did you have the chance to


I did. So I was a program officer and I managed

Murielle Machiels:

great. But then I read that at some point


Absolutely. And this is a story I hope people can careers, the busier calendars become and the harder it some of the world's richest people and felt a deep myself in my job, my identity became so connected with my job.

Murielle Machiels:

And when you say I was experiencing anxiety


digestive issues, chronic headaches, turning to like hobbies or other outlets to express myself. I didn't care I numbed and I used work as my escape route because everyone feel, or certain things in our life. We don't know how to move didn't even know what a panic attack was. ended up running to in the eye and be like, This is caused by your emotions. He's

Murielle Machiels:

Wow. Yeah. So you really collapsed and ended


No, it was just a day or two, you know, like, it was

Murielle Machiels:

Yeah. And probably you felt like all these


Absolutely. I think the self talk of I don't have time put the brakes on. And question whether this was even the life I couldn't, I couldn't go tell my boss that I landed in the

Murielle Machiels:

And so what's happened there? Was that


I, it took many months, I do believe sometimes we have Foundation. And I kind of went extreme because I had been training a public health expert. And I decided to apply my months, essentially doing those things on my list, I've given and so many burdens, both emotional and physical place on

Murielle Machiels:

So that's when you came back from there,


And now I guide people, I don't think you'd have to make always begin again, no matter how high we've climbed, no life.

Murielle Machiels:

Yeah. And what do you do today? How long?


The hospitalization happened four years ago.

Murielle Machiels:

Yeah. And I always your life today then.


And I'm proud to say that on the other side, I spent our security comes from our work. And I think it's very schedule. I really have studied during my pas, I studied what it what was true for me is like, the long morning routine and cup to deploying design principles into our lifestyle. And so now I version of myself into my everyday life. So I, every believe that's essential to my well being. And I also like anxiety and stress comes from when we are when we are we're living in alignment, when it's like, okay, I'm feeling sad of sadness, you need to be in and it moves through, it passes And being in flow with your emotions is the most helpful

Murielle Machiels:

Yeah, yeah, that's also one of the Because with good energy, you have good thoughts. And then it Did you decide to write the book during that sabbatical year? Or


So I've had a dream of writing a book since I was a book, so location, design a life you don't need a vacation from daily life. And so the books location was written during people, we're the most curious. And we're most connected to our designing your daily work life around connecting with and stressful, like maybe there, there's just inner work that honor our needs, wants and desires. We can live a life we

Murielle Machiels:

Yeah, yeah, that's how I designed my life. you brought the idea of a vacation into your work. So you


So I do have a seven step framework, which I call fun emotion, I believe that when we can name how we're feeling and learn to touch, trust the body and the signals in the body and needs, wants desires live. And women in particular have been so I think we're a society that has takes in information all the that all the time to live a life like I don't have a vacation possibility in our life. And I believe we have to connect to a And like what colors and fabrics would you be wearing? And belief true? Might there be another belief? What would your play Pleasure, pleasure as a gateway to transformation. So

Murielle Machiels:

And so if with the knowledge and feel like you have to continue. So what is the one thing you


That you don't have to try so hard? Or work so hard? gonna achieve that outcome, and you're still not going to feel

Murielle Machiels:

Okay, thank you. Nice. And yeah, so this is


Such a good question. I think my rebel side is, is. I lose ourselves. And when we deeply care about what we want, the part of me that wants play and what's pleasure and what built at a slow pace, with a lot of fluidity with not a lot of

Murielle Machiels:

Yeah. Great. Nice. Nice. So where can people


Yeah, so the book is available at Amazon, wherever And I'm also at Instagram at take us location. So if you feel

Murielle Machiels:

Nice, and I love the concept of soul Keishon


Oh, thanks. Well, thank you so much. It's such a

Murielle Machiels:

Yeah, you finished another episode of great week you rebel leader with a hearts