The Emotional Alchemy Podcast

20. Introduction to Five Element Theory with Five Elements Acupuncturist Chris Miller

Episode 20

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Chris Miller wins the award for "Gigglest Podcast Guest Ever". 

But he is also a Five Elements acupuncturist, speaker, teacher and mentor. In my life, he is my favourite and most trusted sounding board regarding my curiosities over the nuances of Daoist Medicine. 

This is the first of a 6-episode series on #theempoweredcuriositypodcast looking at the varying healing applications of the Five Elements found in Daoist Medicine. To kick things off, Chris and I talk about how we, as humans, fit into the ecosystem of Nature that surrounds us and how that is manifested internally in our spiritual and emotional landscape. 

What You’ll Learn From This Episode:
✨ The role of the practitioner as a "spiritual ecologist" rather than a "healer" or "fixer"
✨  An overview of the Five Elements System: Wood, Fire, Earth Metal and Water
✨  The energetics, gifts, challenges, excesses and deficiencies of each of the Elements


To begin the inquiry of land acknowledgements:

For a beginner wanting to read more about the Five Elements, I recommend "The Way of the Five Seasons" by John Kirkwood 

For a practitioner curious about a deeper inquiry into the Five Elements System, I recommend

  • “Nourishing Destiny” by Lonny Jarrett 
  • “Five Elements” by Elisabeth Rochat de la Valle 

I reference the life-changing book: “Braiding Sweetgrass” by Robin Wall Kimmerer

If you'd like to learn more about Attachment Theory, check out Ep. 16 What is YOUR Attachment Wound?

In our conversation, we reference the movie Free Solo

Chris Miller is the owner of Portland Wellness Collective and Miller Acupuncture. He is a highly regarded practitioner, teacher, speaker and mentor with over 15 years experience in acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. His own experience with a serious illness compelled Chris to seek a holistic, integrated treatment plan, which he successfully found in acupuncture and Chinese Medicine.

Kat HoSoo Lee is an Emotional Alchemy Coach, Spiritual Business Mentor and host of The Emotional Alchemy Podcast.

She loves playing in the space where science and spirituality converge because this is where we get to experience emotional alchemy. In her work, she educates space-holders about somatic physiology and environmental biology so they can deepen their practices of listening and presence which ultimately helps them expand their capacity to hold space for others.

As a Spiritual Business Mentor, she guides soulful entrepreneurs to approach their business as a spiritual practice. The work bridges the emotional landscape with practical tools which allow them to cultivate businesses that are rooted in conscious values, relational marketing and purposeful service.

This podcast is made possible with sound production by Andre Lagace.