247 Real Talk

Surviving A Homicide - The Jan Canty Story

with Julian

A powerful conversation with licensed Psychologist and Author Jan Cany about surviving a homicide.

Bio of Jan Canty, Ph.D.

 A native Detroiter, Jan Canty, Ph.D. is a psychologist, writer, photographer, educator, consultant, and cancer survivor. She holds a terminal degree in psychology as well as a post-doctoral fellowship from the Wayne State University School of Medicine, Department of Family Medicine.  She is a licensed psychologist.

 Following the murder of her spouse, she began her 30-year redacted life and quietly moved deep into the Midwest and taught psychology at a small, rural college away from tourists, airports, memories, and intrusive questions. She worked as a forensic psychologist in a large mental hospital and taught graduate school in the evening. Her chosen specialty was cross-cultural psychology which lent itself to photography and international travel to remote villages on five continents.  Dr. Canty was awarded Faculty of the Year in her second year of teaching.

 Life circumstances delivered her to be uniquely qualified to speak about surviving murder both from a professional and a personal viewpoint. 

 In July of  2019, she spoke at the International Association of Identification in Reno to an assembly of homicide investigators and lab techs from 38 countries and has been a guest speaker for medical examiners as well as contributing author for Coroner Magazine.  She has been a guest on the podcast Crime Scene Today.

 In late 2019 Dr. Canty began her own podcast entitled Domino Effect of Murder in which she explores the aftermath of violent death by those who have traveled the path.  She anticipates the publication of her book A Life Divided by the summer of 2020.

 Dr. Canty presently lives and works (as a consultant) to the federal government full time. She spends her free time with her family, two Saint Bernards, engages in photography, gardening, and weightlifting. 


True crime memoir on Amazon:  ("A Life Divided")


Podcast ("Domino Effect of Murder") through the Mental Health News Radio Network (available on the usual platforms):


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