247 Real Talk

Finding Your Own Happy!! - A conversation with Author Elana Davidson

with Julian

 Elana (rhymes with Nirvana) Davidson is the best-selling author of the book “Finding Your Own Happy: The Soul Searchers Guide to Peace and Happiness in Everyday Life. She specializes in helping empathic and sensitive women end emotional turmoil, (re)claim their confidence, and experience real peace- so they can wake up happy and excited to get out of bed in the morning and be free to create lives they truly love. 

Elana's professional training spans decades of exploration and study in fields of consciousness, psychology, personal development, and energy healing and, along with her natural empathic and intuitive abilities, inform her work with clients. She is also a certified Transformational Kinesiologist and holds a BA in Child-Study and Human Social Dynamics. When not traveling the world sharing her message and her healing gifts, Elana lives in the beautiful town of Moab Utah.

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