One Broken Mom Hosted by Ameé Quiriconi

1.18 How To Raise Children Who Won't Have to Recover From Their Childhood with Pam Leo

Amee Quiriconi Season 1 Episode 18

There is no doubt that Pam Leo has changed and affected literally thousands and thousands of lives in her decades of work teaching parents. She is a writer, speaker, educator and like me, an avid reader and learner. 

Since the explosion of social media, Pam has gained additional "internet fame" with her quote "Let's raise children who won't have to recover from their childhoods." Spurred on by this very quote, Amee reached out to Pam Leo to see if she would sit down and talk about how exactly to do this. 

 Listen as the two of them discuss Pam's book, Connection Parenting and how we can all learn so much more about ourselves - even if we're not parents - by understanding more about how we were raised.