One Broken Mom Hosted by Ameé Quiriconi

Connecting Sobriety and Biology with Gillian Tietz

June 13, 2021 Ameé Quiriconi Season 4 Episode 6

In this episode, Ameé speaks with fellow podcaster and mental health advocate, Gillian Tietz. Gill is a recovering alcoholic who uses her scientific background to connect neuroscience, psychology, and her personal experience getting sober. 

In this episode, you will hear: 

  • Alcohol-focused work cultures
  • How her alcohol use contributed her developing suicidal thoughts
  • How she went from an eating disorder to alcoholism
  • The genetic component behind addiction and the biological rewards some people get from drinking alcohol
  • Why some people experience hangovers and others don’t
  • The surprising evolutionary advantage behind being able to process alcohol
  • How understanding the biology behind addiction can help alleviate shame felt by many who struggled with alcohol addiction
  • Dispelling the myth that alcohol reduces stress and anxiety from a biological standpoint
  • How drinking does not help you cope with stress especially if you low distress tolerance
  • How increasing emotional intelligence is key to prevent relapse
  • The role of the trauma survivors in advancing mental health awareness


Links from This Episode:

Links to buy The Fearless Woman’s Guide to Starting a Business

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