Parents' Rights Now!


Suzanne Gallagher Season 2 Episode 118

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Alternative Lifestyles and Bullying


Since we are 13 years ahead of Illinois, we know allot more about how this plays out in a public school setting here in Oregon. Like the 8th grade middle school boy who was sexually harassed by a boy identifying as a girl. When the victim had finally had enough, he raised his voice saying, “Please leave me alone.” The boy identifying as a girl ran to the school office in tears, declaring, “I do not feel safe.” The school asked the victim to write his harasser a letter of apology, and to attend the other high school in the district, further away from his home. 

And there is more! The following school year the victim attended a school outside his district of residence. Two visitors came to his Freshman English class to talk about a new GSA Club and why others should join. The victim raised his hand and asked to be excused. Thee more students did the same. The teacher responded with an emphatic “NO,” stating she would not allow any bigotry in her classroom. Student club member recruitment is inappropriate during any academic class period. Students have the right to be excused from any instruction they consider is offensive or against their faith. The teacher was out of line. 

There is definitely a disproportionate amount of attention, and sympathy placed on LGBTQ students. I want to know if the survey was given to the student body at large, and what percentages applied to others representing the heterosexual students. I want to know if the age and maturity levels of those surveyed was taken into account. I know from my own experience raising three children, the accuracy of a survey given to minors is not reliable. And… what about other socio-economic and emotional factors impacting these students lives was not related to their sexuality?

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