Parents' Rights Now!

PART 5: OR Congressional Candidate Tells Her School Board OFF!

Suzanne Gallagher Season 2 Episode 122

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Angela Plowhead for Congress!

Dear Salem-Keizer School Board and Superintendent,

Like many parents, I was not afforded the opportunity to speak during the public comment of your last meeting. As I have already expressed to you, there has been a noticeable trend of a disproportionate number of LUS activists being given an opportunity to speak during your meetings while only a statically improbable and small number of parents get to speak. Due to this, I will address my concerns publicly and in writing. 

While addressing the high rates of suicidality among transgender youth should not be ignored, applying the practices in this district’s transgender policy to the entire student body population instead of just those affected by gender dysphoria is ill advised. There are no studies that I have found looking at the effects of teaching gender fluidity to gender conforming students or the impacts it could have on the mental health of gender conforming students. This appears especially foolhardy considering the greatly increased rates of depression, anxiety, and suicide amongst all youth. The US surgeon general and several national pediatric societies have declared American youth to be in a national mental health crisis. This is just one of many concerns I have about the release of this policy. 

It is unconscionable that this district’s transgender policy dictates that gender affirming books be put in all district libraries K-12, with no mention of age-appropriateness. Many of these books, which I have seen and which have been found in Oregon school libraries, include extremely graphic and even pornographic content. Often these books teach children how to engage in sexual acts by themselves and with others, condoning even incest. With the number of children who experience sexual abuse, I find it highly ironic that this board would approve an abuse proclamation in the same week the district released this policy promoting books that condone this behavior. Additionally, it is unlawful to expose children to pornography and teachers are mandatory reporters. I would encourage every parent to examine the content of their child’s school library and if pornographic content is found, contact child protective services and file a police report. Administrators and the district should be held responsible for any child exposed to pornography in their school library. 

This is especially true at a time when 4 educators in Oregon, to include 1 in this school district, have been arrested or are currently under investigation for sex crimes against children. All 4 of these situations have occurred in the last 2 weeks. It is extremely ill conceived that this superintendent would roll out a policy that would make it easier for sexual predators to hide their grooming practices under the guise of comprehensive sex education or transgender inclusion, making it that much more difficult to detect their abhorrent behavior. The practices in this policy put all children at risk for heightened exposure to sexual predation by mandating that teachers, administrators and counselors help a child transition their gender. 

Assessing or counseling a person for gender transition is a specialty within the mental health field that requi

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